Expert ADR Training in Birmingham

Complete ADR training in Birmingham with support and help from HGVTN

checked JAUPT & DVSA approved Birmingham training centres

checked Help to get a job after training with Blue Arrow

checked Immediate start slots available in the West Midlands

checked High pass rates recorded in the area

checked Intuitive online theory training

Get In Touch Today


    Why retrain with HGVTN?

    With a starting salary of £40,000 – ADR driving roles are a considerable advancement compared to HGV driving. 

    The Department of Transport-approved ADR training in Birmingham will equip you with all of the skills you need.  

    Plus, with over 50 locations nationwide, including the city centre, West Brom., and Wolverhampton, you can retrain and keep up your day job as needed. 

    Start your PCV training in Birmingham today with these simple steps!

    More questions? Call us on 0800 2545 007

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    Why become an ADR driver in Birmingham?

    Sitting close to the M1, M5, and the M6, Birmingham is ideally situated for haulage drivers across the industry. 

    Thanks to these connections, HGV, and more specialist ADR, drivers alike find a bounty of progressed career options without compromising on their enjoyed working hours or lifestyle.

    Plus, with impressive salaries, legally protected breaks, and a choice of jobs, you can cherry-pick the best job for you right on your doorstep.

    Why choose HGVTN for ADR Training Birmingham-wide?

    Although you might have thought about it for a while, we understand that retraining can be worrying – especially if you are the main provider for your family. 

    To help, HGVTN offer bespoke training and a 1:1 support package – while also doing the admin, so you can focus on your studies and pass quickly! 

    Plus, with support from Blue Arrow to help find your first ADR job, our nearby Brummies find that ADR training is actually easy as pie! 


    Pricing and finance options for ADR driver training across Birmingham

    Further education and training almost always come with a financial implication. However, with HGVTN, our industry-leading Train Now, Pay Later finance for ADR training can massively help!

    Instead of a lump sum, you pay small monthly instalments for up to 3 years – just like car finance or a credit card.  

    So, why not get started today?

    Contact HGV Training Network for PCV training in Birmingham

    If you are looking to become a coach driver, bus driver or minibus driver and are ready to invest in your future, contact HGV Training Network today for fully accredited, expert support.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Are there many ADR driver positions?

    Yes, there is a growing number of ADR driver positions – most often as a result of new driver shortages, veteran ADR drivers are finding there isn’t always a new cohort to pass their job onto. 

    This is beneficial, however, as it means our learners can really do their research and find the best company and positions that suit them – often at a higher rate than previous drivers have been able to access! 

    To get started though, you’ll need to complete ADR training Birmingham-wide and get your licence!

    To book or ask any remaining questions, call or email us today at – our helpful team are on hand to help and book you in if you choose to go ahead! 

    Can I start ADR training in Birmingham?

    Absolutely – as long as you have a Cat B car licence (automatic or manual) and are 18!

    You don’t even need previous HGV/LGV experience – we can arrange all of that for you. 

    Even better, you can choose which site is best for you, either our city centre location, our site in West Bromwich, or Wolverhampton, whichever is easiest for you and your family. 

    To get started with ADR training today, choose your favoured location and reach out to our expert training coordinators today – you can call us for a chat or fill out our enquiry form at your soonest convenience.  

    If I complete ADR training in Birmingham, will it be valid across the world?

    While you will need to check for every country in the world, drivers who have completed ADR training can drive across Birmingham, the West Midlands, and beyond into Europe!

    This means, if you are keen to see a bit more of the world, ADR driving is an excellent way to do so – giving you lots of stamps on your passport. 

    You’ll be earning while you see the sights too, so travelling could be very cost-effective if you combine it cleverly with ADR driving. 

    To see how you could plan routes through Europe, check out our HGV route planning blog or call us.  Our advisors are here to help you decide what is best for you so feel free to ask them any nagging questions. 

    What do ADR drivers carry?

    As an ADR driver, you could be responsible for a range of goods or dangerous substances, including: 

    • Explosives
    • Gases 
    • Flammable liquids and solids 
    • Oxidising or corrosive substances 
    • Toxic and infectious substances
    • Radioactive materials
    • Miscellaneous goods – like batteries and dry ice

    But you will receive comprehensive training on handling any and all of these goods before you are expected to go near them – so don’t worry! 

    For more information about any part of your ADR training,  fill in our enquiry form or email us at and we’ll be in touch to answer your questions as quickly as possible!   

    What does ADR stand for?

    ADR is a common abbreviation in logistics but it can be confusing – a more recognisable name might be ‘dangerous goods’ driver!

    ADR actually stands for the French ‘Accord Dangereux Routier’ which relates to the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road – a set of legal compliances and standards that allow for potentially dangerous items to be transported safely by road across Europe. 

    These regulations, and how to comply with them, will be an integral part of your ADR training in Birmingham and while we may be biased, we think it’s incredibly interesting! 

    To find out what else your studies might include, email us at or fill in our enquiry form and we’ll be in touch.

    How long will ADR training take?

    Depending on how experienced you are and what driving qualifications you already hold, ADR training in Birmingham could take anything from a fortnight to a few months. 

    When you ring to get started, our team will ask about your previous driving jobs and qualifications and should then be able to give you a rough idea of how long it could take to get you into your dream ADR job. 

    It should be noted, however, that your confidence and how quickly you grasp the skills of ADR driving will also impact your qualification time. 

    To get an idea and start the ball rolling, call us for a chat or fill in our enquiry form – we’ll get you out on the road in no time!

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