If you see a bright pink truck out on the roads, don’t be surprised. Trucking companies have not permanently changed colours of all the trucks. However, only a few have particularly been painted pink in support of breast cancer awareness.
A Volvo FM 8-4 Tipper has been painted pink by AR & PA Transport. It can be seen around East Anglia. Several other trucking companies have also done the same to raise awareness about Breast Cancer. The idea is to celebrate those who have coped with this terrible disease and show support to those who are suffering from it currently. In New York, even fire trucks have been coated pink for this very purpose.

Being the second most common types of cancer after skin cancer, breast cancer is diagnosed in 230,000 women each year, as estimated by the National Cancer Institute. Even 2,300 men are diagnosed with this horrible disease every year. The chances of survival increase manifold, if breast cancer is diagnosed at an early stage. Many families are affected by this disease. This is why by raising awareness about this issue, men and women are being encouraged to check themselves frequently to detect any signs of cancer.
One of the regular drivers who turned her truck pink stated that her Nan had breast cancer twice and both her grandfathers and sister had another type of cancer. This is the reason she feels she owes it to her family to show support for the sufferers of this life-threatening disease. She uses her huge pink truck as a billboard for breast cancer awareness and to raise funds.
Anyone who attains HGV training and joins a trucking company can contribute towards this noble cause. Truckers with pink vehicles are regularly invited to Breast Cancer awareness fundraisers. This not only helps to raise awareness but also gives exposure to the trucking company. This makes it a win-win situation for everyone. By driving pink trucks, the drivers are doing their part. Together we can educate the masses about the torments of Breast Cancer and help eliminate this disease from the world.