Lee Rigby and Eddie Stobbart HGV
HGV News

In 2013 after the tragic murder of Lee Rigby, the famous haulage firm, Eddie Stobart named their truck to honour the 25-year-old soldier. This was the second time ever that an Eddie Stobart truck was named after a man. The first one was named Valentino after the Italian racing legend Valentino Rossi. The usual green and red Eddie Stobart trucks are mostly named after females. Therefore it is a rare honour for a man to have a truck named after him.

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HGV best roads
HGV News

Bored of city life and tired of the monotonous daily grind? If the answer to both is a yes, then probably it’s time to head to the scenic plains for a relaxing break!

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Army HGV
HGV News

Serving the military is surely a very prestigious thing to do. However, when your career comes to an end, it’s time to use your lifelong skills to earn your bread in the civilian world.

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HGV apps
HGV News

The life of an HGV driver is not as simple as it may seem. It requires a lot of planning and organisation. To help make the day-to-day routine of an HGV driver a little easier, we have compiled a list of the best mobile apps which can be downloaded on a smartphone, designed especially for transporters.

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Why do drivers need an HGV medical? - HGV Training Netwok
HGV News

Any professional job requires a person to be fit and in good health – and HGV drivers are no different.
As such, to qualify as a professional HGV driver, you must first undergo a detailed medical examination.
But why do drivers need an HGV medical test and what does it involve? Read on to find out everything you need to know!

What do you need to know about the HGV medical test?
While the name ‘medical test’ can invoke feelings of worry for some, the whole process is very simple. It’s conducted by doctors and other medical professionals and is used to improve safety on UK roads.

What do you need to know about the HGV medical test?

While the phrase ‘HGV medical test’ can invoke feelings of worry for some, the entire exam is very simple. It’s conducted by General Medical Council-qualified doctors and is used to improve safety on UK roads.
Before new drivers can undertake specific training and acquire their desired HGV licence, the UK government requires all new HGV drivers to take a detailed medical test at an approved medical clinic.
Once 45, a medical exam is also required routinely for existing lorry drivers every 5 years unitl 60, where it is required every year. This is to ensure that their health doesn’t deteriorate and that they remain fit to drive.

After the HGV medical, once the physician has given you the all-clear and signed the D4 medical forms, drivers will then be considered safe to go onto the road and can either start their journey to qualification or continue driving.

But what will your appointment look like?

HGV medical - HGV Training Network

What an HGV medical involves

You will arrive at your pre-booked appointment with a private doctor, taking a D4 medical form, photographic identification, and a recent prescription for glasses (if applicable).

During your appointment, which will be in 3 main parts, your medical professionals will then test you for any medical conditions that can affect your ability to drive.  

Overall, they are looking to see that each HGV driver is in reasonably good health, has good mental health, and has no health issues or drug/alcohol problems that can have serious consequences on their ability to drive professionally. They aren’t interested in judging you personally, so try not to worry. 

Discussing your medical history

The first part of the exam involves a discussion between the doctor and the candidate in which their medical history and any past illnesses that could hinder a driver’s ability to work safely, are discussed. 

Your HGV blood pressure – the medical exam segment

In the second part, the actual medical, or physical, examination is performed to check for specific illnesses. 

The doctor will check your vital signs, conduct a blood pressure check, and discuss many conditions with you in the strictest of confidence, including:

  • Neurological and psychiatric conditions or illnesses, such as blackouts, epilepsy, Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease, and strokes. 
  • If you have had brain surgeries. 
  • Your mental health and addiction issues, including chronic drug or alcohol problems.
  • Any general health concerns, such as diabetes, heart conditions, and any sleep disorders that could cause serious accidents on the road.

Your vision assessment

The last phase of the appointment includes checking your eyesight – which is why you need to bring your glasses prescription if you wear glasses or contact lenses. 

All HGV drivers must meet the eyesight requirements set by the DVLA, so you may need to read letters or numbers from a chart and have your eyes examined to prove your capability. 

No matter the results of the HGV medical examination, the doctor will fill out the D4 form, or medical examination report, which is then submitted to the DVLA. They will also summarise if you do, or do not, meet the necessary medical standards on the day, so you’ll never be left wondering. 

HGV medical - HGV Training Network

How long does an HGV medical last?

The entire HGV medical examination shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes and could be completed even faster if you are free from health or medical concerns and don’t wear glasses.

When is your HGV medical due?

An HGV medical exam will need to be completed by all prospective HGV drivers before they can begin their training – irrespective of their age – and if they already have an HGV driving job. 

If they pass their initial medical test, these drivers will then not need to take a further HGV medical test again unless their health deteriorates, or they reach the age of 45. 

After your 45th birthday, you will need to pass the HGV medical assessment every 5 years until the age of 65, when the frequency of this medical examination report increases to once per year. This ensures that, as you age and your health needs change or your existing medical conditions develop, you are still safe on the roads and will not be a hazard on the road in commercial vehicles – to yourself or others. 

How much does an HGV medical cost? 

The DVLA doesn’t have a set fee for carrying out an HGV medical test and the cost is usually set by individual doctor’s surgeries. 

Some surgeries do not charge a fee, but most will likely ask you to pay for an extended appointment time – which means you are essentially just paying for the doctor’s time. Most appointments can vary between £49.99 – £80.00 plus VAT, but the exact cost of your HGV medical exam will change depending on which medical practitioner you go to see. 

Where to get an HGV medical exam? 

There are many possible providers for HGV medical assessments, some of whom specialise in providing medical tests for jobs, including private doctors. 

If you are unsure about who can help you, why not contact an HGV training centre near you? 

Chances are they will be able to offer you the assistance you need and can even book the HGV medical exam for you and handle all communication with the DVLA on your behalf – a real benefit if you are busy or find paperwork overwhelming. 

HGV medical - HGV Training Network

What happens if you fail an HGV medical test? 

Put simply, if you fail an HGV medical, be it because of your mental health or as part of the physical examination, you most likely will not be able to drive professionally in the UK. 

If this is the case, it’s worth bearing in mind that while it may not feel it at the time, the results of the HGV medical are not personal or a judgement on you – they are simply legal parameters that must be met by any HGV driver. 

However, it is worth discussing your D4 medical assessment results with your medical professional at the time, as your individual circumstances may be able to be improved with treatment or medication.

Book your HGV medical assessment via HGVTN

To some, taking an HGV medical exam might seem inconvenient, especially if you are eager to get out on the road as an HGV driver. 

However, each HGV medical is a highly necessary legally binding step that ensures that only the most capable drivers are in charge of the largest vehicles in the UK.

Weighing at least 3,500kg – the average weight of a male rhinoceros – the damage that can be done by poor HGV driving can be immeasurable, making your D4 medical a potentially lifesaving countermeasure.

If you would benefit from help getting your HGV licence, training, or medical assessment started, our friendly, experienced team is perfectly placed to help. To get started, call us on 0800 254 5007 or fill in our contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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Why is there a HGV driver shortage - HGV Training Network
HGV News

In the UK, there is a shortage of licensed, and fully qualified HGV drivers. When you look at the grand scheme of things, you will soon see that this is having a huge impact on the haulage industry as well as the UK economy as well. You will also find that this is showing no signs of improving either, so something certainly needs to be done about this. In the UK, there are over 60,000 HGV drivers short of what is actually required, and in the year 2020 this is expected to fall even more, making a shortfall of over 150,000 drivers.

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