July 2024 - HGV Training Network
HGV Tramping - HGV Training Network
blog, HGV News

Within the HGV industry, there are several types of jobs and ways of working that differ from the standard 9-hour shifts where HGV drivers return home afterwards, referred to as trunking. 

This article focuses on one such way – HGV tramping.

But what exactly does this working style entail and what are its benefits? Our team of HGV training specialists reveal all throughout this blog, so keep on reading to discover more!

What is a HGV tramper?

HGV tramping is characterised by a long-haul work schedule. HGV trampers work different shift patterns to those who drive a regular route within the logistics industry and often consider their way of working as a lifestyle rather than a job.

This is because these drivers spend extended periods on motorways and return home less frequently, with their driver cab being their second home more or less – the ultimate trucker way of life!

HGV Tramping - HGV Training Network

What do HGV tramping jobs involve?

The HGV tramping lifestyle is a unique way of working – HGV tramping jobs typically include the following:

  • Spending several days or nights on the road
  • Sleeping in their cab or motels between their shifts/along their routes
  • Extended periods driving and delivering across Europe or beyond!
  • Carrying their tramping essentials with them, including a toothbrush and bedding, as well as extras like laptops, tablets, and mini-fridges to make their nights more convenient and enjoyable.

Did you know – the HGV Training Network operates across multiple locations all across the UK, all the way from the South East to Scotland – view all our locations here.

HGV Tramping - HGV Training Network

The benefits of HGV tramping

Although regular HGV driving roles offer several incredible benefits, HGV tramping provides just as many, plus more!

1. An array of roles to choose from

It’s a well-known fact that there’s a shortage of professional drivers within the HGV industry for various reasons. The largest factor is an ageing workforce reaching retirement age – according to the Lancashire Business View, 55% of HGV drivers are between 50 and 65 years of age.

Thanks to the shortage, new drivers have an exciting selection of tramping jobs to apply for and don’t have to settle for roles that don’t suit their needs.

2. More job freedom

Life on the road whilst tramping provides an excellent level of freedom that 9 to 5s in other industries rarely offer. For example, you don’t have a rigid daily schedule meaning you have more flexibility when choosing when to take your breaks, as long as this meets the legal requirements. You can view these within our HGV driver hours blog.

What’s more, you’re in full control of the radio, meaning you don’t have to tolerate music stations that don’t tickle your fancy – phew!

3. Excitement and adventure

Tramping allows you to see the world and drive across various unique European landscapes – something that trunking can’t offer. For example, you could start your journey in urban London and drive through the picturesque surroundings in France, Germany, and Switzerland along your route, among more!

Long-haul HGV drivers enjoy this part of life on the open road and a daily switch of scenery.

4. Higher wages

Money often plays a huge factor in whether we accept or decline career opportunities. 

With HGV tramping, you’ll be rubbing your hands together with glee at the lucrative salaries and bonuses associated with this professional driving style. 

This higher pay rate makes up for the time spent away from home – but how much could you earn through HGV tramping?

HGV Tramping - HGV Training Network

What is the average HGV tramping salary?

According to Talent.com, tramper HGV drivers are paid on average £37,687 annually, with experienced drivers receiving up to £48,750. Not too shabby! 

It’s important to note that this doesn’t even factor in potential bonuses or benefits that your future employer may offer on top of your salary.

Do I need training for tramping?

Before you get carried away dreaming about bountiful salaries and a liberating life on the road, you’ll need to undergo HGV driver training to enter the rewarding career of HGV tramper driving.

After completing your driver and CPC training with an established provider, you’ll gain your HGV licence and certificate of professional competence (CPC). These qualifications will enable you to start applying for your perfect HGV driving role, whether it be a tramping job or something entirely different!

Speak with our team for HGV training

Interested in a career in HGV driving? Do you want to train with an experienced provider with an excellent record of success in helping students to gain their licences? If so, the HGV Training Network is the ideal choice for you.

We have state-of-the-art training centres all across the UK and only employ the most effective and experienced instructors to teach our trainee drivers.

To book your place on one of our training courses, or to find out more about our HGV training finance, fill out our easy online contact form or call us directly on 0800 254 5007.

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    HGV MOT Check - HGV Training Network
    blog, HGV News

    Whether you’re in charge of a supermarket logistics chain or carry dangerous goods across the country for a living, you need to stay up to date with your vehicle’s MOT history. But why does an HGV require an MOT, and how do you check that it has a valid MOT pass certificate?

    This handy blog written by our HGV training specialists explains all there is to know about HGV MOTs and how you go about keeping track of your vehicle maintenance history.

    Continue reading to find out more!

    Why do HGVs require an MOT test?

    HGVs need a yearly MOT to test their roadworthiness and ensure they continue to meet crucial safety regulations. MOTs play an important role in preventing road accidents, injury and even fatalities – an HGV without an MOT certificate or an expired one can result in fines and even the loss of your professional licence.

    As well as accident prevention, regular MOT checks can help save you money down the line. If any problems are found during an MOT check, you can have them fixed before they develop into hefty repairs that don’t come cheap.

    Additionally, MOT inspections and frequent maintenance can boost the efficiency of your large vehicle, often leading to lower fuel consumption and a greater lifespan.

    Did you know – at the HGV Training Network, we can match you to your perfect job after qualifying thanks to our recruitment partner Blue Arrow? Call us on 0800 254 5007 for more details.

    HGV MOT Check - HGV Training Network

    When do I need to get an HGV MOT?

    Like cars or large public service vehicles, HGVs require frequent MOT testing.

    Also known as an annual test, HGVs must be tested every 12 months – the first test should be a year after the vehicle was initially registered with the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA).

    Enforcing HGV MOTs is done through roadside stops and visits to companies that operate large heavy goods vehicles. What’s more, the National ANPR Service can be used by the DVSA to identify HGVs without MOTs, which consists of a network of road cameras across the UK.

    Does my large vehicle need an MOT?

    Heavy goods vehicles are required to get an annual MOT test if they meet the following GOV criteria:

    • HGVs with a gross weight that exceeds 3,500kg
    • Vehicles that form part of an articulated vehicle
    • Horseboxes with a gross weight of 3,500kg or above
    • ‘A’ frame trailers and converter dollies made on or after 1 January 1979
    • Trailers with an unladen weight exceeding 1,020kg with powered braking systems
    • Semi-trailers
    HGV MOT Check - HGV Training Network

    What will be examined during an HGV MOT check?

    Your HGV and trailer MOT check will be conducted at an authorised testing facility (ATF) by a qualified assessor who will test your commercial vehicle to ensure it meets DVSA standards. You can find a list of approved authorised MOT testing facilities by visiting GOV.UK.

    HGV MOT table - HGV Training Network

    What will be examined during an HGV MOT?

    If your HGV is deemed to be in roadworthy condition, you’ll receive a digital MOT pass certificate from the inspector as proof of your check.

    HGV MOT Check - HGV Training Network

    How can I check my HGV MOT status?

    Checking your HGV’s MOT history has never been easier – all you have to do is visit https://www.check-mot.service.gov.uk/. Simply type in your vehicle’s registration number to check its current MOT status and download previous MOT certificates if needed.

    This digital service is a simple and convenient way to maintain roadworthiness and guarantee you have a valid MOT certificate that’s up to date.

    Cost of HGV MOT checks

    MOT tests for different vehicles vary in cost – typically, the number of axles and axle weights determine how much the MOT check will cost, and how long it will take.

    For example, an MOT for a 2-axle HGV will cost £91 (at the time of writing) and take around 40 minutes to complete. Whereas a larger 4+ axle HGV will cost £137 and last for 55 minutes.

    For a quote, it’s best to get in touch with your nearest authorised testing facility.

    HGV MOT Check - HGV Training Network

    Speak with HGV Training Network today

    Interested in becoming a HGV driver?

    We’re HGV training experts and specialise in equipping trainee drivers with the skills and knowledge they need to earn their HGV licence and driver CPC.

    At the HGV Training Network, we offer competitive rates and flexible financing payment options, so you never need to worry about funding your new career.

    Get in touch with our team today on 0800 254 5007 and they’ll be in touch as soon as possible to assist you with your query or book you on to one of our courses.

    Fill out our contact form

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      HGV Speed Limit - HGV Training Network
      blog, HGV News

      If you’ve been looking into becoming an HGV driver, or if you’ve noticed an abundance of HGVs on the roads around you (there’s plenty out there for a reason!) you may have asked yourself just how fast these large vehicles are allowed to go.

      The speeds HGVs are allowed to travel at may be affecting your decision-making when considering HGV training – which makes complete sense! Maybe you don’t want to feel too restricted when you’re behind the wheel, or at the other end of the spectrum, maybe you don’t want to be driving too fast. 

      Technically, there’s no minimum speed limit that applies to all motorways, but both views are valid. You want to go fast enough to deliver your goods on time while remaining within the boundaries of the law.

      Either way, if you’ve been wondering the answer to this question, it turns out it depends on numerous factors, such as national speed limits, where in the country you’re driving, and the specific roads you’re driving on. Following a standard national speed limit sign might not be the right move. But don’t worry, HGV Training Network is here to offer all the answers.
      Did You Know: HGV Training Network is home to 50 HGV training centres scattered across the country? Find your nearest training centre today!

      HGV Speed Limit - HGV Training Network

      Things you may need to know about HGV speed limits

      HGV speed limits on UK roads

      On standard UK roads (also known as roads in ‘built-up areas’) HGVs are limited to going the same maximum speeds as other cars on the road – with current speed limits for these areas capped at 30mph. 

      But given their impressive size and weight, along with the restrictions of such vehicles operating in tight-knit areas, this comes as no surprise and is in the best interests of the local area in terms of safety. This counts for all types of HGV, no matter the weight or size.

      HGV speed limit dual carriageway

      On a dual-carriageway,  the rules begin to change slightly, with the Scottish sometimes adopting different speeds than the rest of the UK (more on that in a moment).

      In the UK, heavy goods vehicles up to 7.5 tonnes in weight must go a maximum of 60mph, with the same speed limits applying to HGVs over 7.5 tonnes.

      HGV Training Network can help aspiring drivers take the reigns of a variety of different large vehicles – click here to find out more!

      HGV Speed Limit - HGV Training Network

      HGV speed limit dual carriageway Scotland

      When driving on Scottish dual carriageways, HGV drivers must remember that lower speed limits apply. If their vehicle is over 7.5 tonnes in total weight, the maximum speed they’re permitted to go is 50mph.

      HGV speed limits on motorways

      On UK motorways, the rules vary depending on the weight and type of HGV you’re driving. HGVs up to 7.5 tonnes in weight may follow the same speed limits as other standard cars in the adjacent lanes, with a maximum speed limit of 70mph.

      However, if a vehicle of the same weight is articulated (if it can bend in the middle) the maximum motorway speed limit is reduced to 60mph. Vehicles over 7.5 tonnes, however, must reduce their top speed to 60mph – this is true in England, Wales, and Scotland.

      HGV speed limiter regulations

      A speed limiter does exactly what it says on the tin – it’s a device that’s fitted to a vehicle which allows the user to set their own speed limits a vehicle can physically travel, to avoid accidental speeding or drivers simply moving at speeds that create danger for both them and those around them.

      Today, most new cars come with a speed-limiter function, for safety-conscious drivers. However, in the HGV business, speed limiters are commonplace due to the law.

      Rules set out by the government dictate that speed limiters must be applied to:

      • Vehicles with over eight passenger seats, including buses, minibuses, etc.
      • Heavy goods vehicles with a total weight of over 3.5 tonnes

      This includes the vast majority of larger heavy goods vehicles. Meaning if you’re planning to drive these HGVs as a career, chances are your vehicles will almost always be fitted with a speed limiter.

      At the other end of the spectrum, it’s also advisable for new drivers to look out for signs for minimum speed limits, as rare as they are. These are usually found in areas where slow-moving vehicles can cause a safety hazard and are highlighted in a blue circle with a white number, so it’s worth keeping in mind.

      HGV Speed Limit - HGV Training Network

      Ready to enter the world of HGV driving? Speak to HGV Training Network

      Now that you’re aware of the HGV speed limits UK drivers need to know, you’re more than ready to begin your training at HGV Training Network!

      Our friendly team of experienced, professional drivers is ready and waiting to give you the knowledge and qualifications you need to drive HGVs for a living. Plus, with 50 training centres to choose from, there will always be somewhere for you to learn the ropes that are not a million miles from your doorstep!

      Click the link below to start your HGV training journey today or speak to one of our advisors about our enticing HGV training finance packages.

      Fill out our contact form

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        HGV inspection manual and tester manual - HGV Training Network
        blog, HGV News

        HGVs (Heavy Goods Vehicles) play a pivotal role in keeping the country moving, delivering thousands of goods the length and breadth of the UK every single day. But because these vehicles are so large, with so many different parts working tirelessly to keep the wheels turning despite the heavy load, regular inspections need to be carried out to ensure they’re always road-worthy.

        These inspections need to encompass examining various parts and elements of the heavy goods vehicle, to make sure everything looks safe and is in good working order. To assist with this process, a HGV inspection manual can be an invaluable tool. In this blog, we’re going to discuss HGV inspections and HGV inspection manuals, so you have all the information you require should you need to carry out an HGV inspection as part of your HGV training, or on your travels.

        Did You Know: HGV Training Network is home to 50 professional HGV training centres, so there are plenty of options for you to learn the craft of HGV driving!

        HGV inspection manual and tester manual - HGV Training Network

        HGV testers manual

        The HGV inspection manual (also known as the HGV testers manual) is a comprehensive document that goes into fine detail about the elements of an HGV that must be inspected and approved before it should head out on the open road. This is different from PSV inspection manuals, which cover vehicles built to carry the public, such as buses, rather than goods. So be sure not to get the two confused.

        Created by the Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency, responsible for the rules and regulations of driving all vehicles on UK roads, the impressive 188-page document (at the time of writing) serves as the ultimate reference point for anyone seeking to learn precisely how to inspect an HGV, what they should be looking for, and whether or not they’ve missed any important steps during the inspection process. This includes both a pre-inspection checklist as well as a more detailed checklist for every component of the vehicle.

        By fully utilising the HGV inspection manual, operators and inspectors can give themselves the best chance of avoiding disaster and upholding safety standards to the highest degree, thus protecting the cargo, the vehicle, the driver and other road users.

        Following the manual closely (or using it as a guide, if you are already an experienced driver familiar with the inspection process) helps drivers and companies save time during inspections and boost the efficiency of their fleet(s) while also respecting all relevant safety standards and legal requirements.

        HGV inspection manual and tester manual - HGV Training Network

        HGV inspections

        Speaking of legal requirements, regular HGV inspections (also known as walkarounds) are not just a courtesy to other vehicles and road users, they’re mandated by law. Meaning if an HGV has not been inspected for a considerable time, or an inspection has revealed even the most minute flaw, it should not be driven until the inspection has been completed and the issues fully fixed.

        As a rule of thumb, in-depth HGV inspections (covering the elements highlighted in the inspection manual) should be completed once every six weeks as a minimum, while walkarounds (a less in-depth review, but still an essential one) should be completed before every drive in the morning. For daily inspections, companies often rely on checklists to guarantee everything that should be reviewed has been reviewed before the HGV leaves for the day’s work. 

        What should be inspected during an HGV inspection?

        Of course, a full HGV inspection should be a rigorous examination of all HGV elements, as mentioned above. But here are just some of the areas you will need to inspect before heading out on a driving job:

        • Exterior inspection – checking for any visible damage to the body of the vehicle, including confirming the mirrors provide proper visibility 
        • Interior inspection – ensuring the seatbelt, display and all controls are in full working order
        • Mechanical inspection – the nitty-gritty stuff, where all elements of the vehicle should be inspected with the appropriate safety equipment. Refer to the official HGV inspection manual during this part.
        • Brakes and tyre inspection – making sure the brakes are responsive and the tyre pressure is correct, amongst other essential checks. Again, refer to the manual if you’re unsure.

        As a driver, if you find inspection failures, the HGV is classed as an unsafe vehicle and it is your responsibility to report them to the relevant parties, so the issue can be rectified. This is often your manager or another member of the team who acts as your port-of-call if you’re an independent contractor.

        HGV inspection manual and tester manual - HGV Training Network

        Learn more about HGV inspections and begin your training with HGV Training Network

        If you’re ready to take the next step in your career development and want to take advantage of all the lucrative benefits HGV driving has to offer, HGV Training Network is here for you.

        With our team of qualified, professional HGV driving instructors, we can have you enjoying a new career as an HGV driver in a matter of weeks, earning your licence the proper way.Speak to a member of the HGVTN team today to learn more, and be sure to ask about our attractive HGV training finance packages.

        Fill out our contact form

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          How to become a HGV driver? - HGV Training Network
          blog, HGV News

          Have you grown weary of all the office politics, or are you sick to death of your current work environment? Maybe you simply want to try something new?

          Whatever your reasons for looking into how to become a lorry driver, it’s safe to say HGV driving presents plenty of advantages and benefits over your previous line of work, right?

          Greater independence, fantastic work/life balance, mouth-watering wages and plenty of job opportunities are barely scratching the surface of why you may want to make the switch.

          At first glance, given how many of them are on the roads and how imposing the vehicles seem, you may think becoming a HGV driver is a complex task – but it’s actually a lot easier than you think.

          In fact, with the right training from a reliable and trusted HGV training provider – like HGV Training Network – you could be out of your current role and on the open road in a matter of weeks, not months.

          So if you’re interested in becoming a HGV driver, keep reading. Or get in touch with the team right now if you’re ready.Did you know: HGV Training Network has over 300 5-star reviews from satisfied learners? Take a look at them here!

          How to become a HGV driver? - HGV Training Network

          Minimum qualifications required to be a HGV driver

          First things first. To become a HGV driver, you’ll need to have the relevant qualifications and driving skills to get behind the wheel. If you’re reading this, chances are you’ll already have your full UK driving licence, which is good – you’ll need one of these before you can start learning to drive HGVs.

          Then, of course, you’ll need some form of HGV or LGV licence, which you’ll receive after completing your chosen training. At HGVTN, we offer training courses for those seeking to drive an array of large vehicles, meaning you could also learn with us if you wanted to become a bus driver, or similar. You can explore more of these here.

          You’ll also need a professional driving qualification called the Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC). More on that in a moment.

          How much does it cost to become a HGV driver?

          The cost of HGV training courses depends on a variety of factors, including the training provider you choose, the specific licence you’re trying to obtain, and how you plan to pay for your training.

          While many aspiring learners can be put off by the overall cost of training, this needn’t be the case if they trained with HGVTN. Thanks to our Train Now, Pay Later finance options, learner HGV drivers can earn the qualifications they need while paying on a pre-agreed finance plan that meets their budget and needs, giving them plenty of time to pay for training and offering financial peace of mind in the same breath.

          Want to know more about our amazing finance packages for HGV training? Speak to a HGVTN representative today.

          How to become a HGV driver? - HGV Training Network

          The steps to earning your HGV licence and becoming a professional HGV driver

          1 – Seek out HGV/lorry driver training courses

          The law requires all new HGV drivers to have undergone professional HGV training, resulting in a HGV licence.

          To do this, you’ll need to train with an accredited, vetted and experienced HGV training provider. Luckily for you, HGV Training Network is home to more than 50 official training centres scattered across the UK.

          So, no matter where you live, you’ll always be within close distance of somewhere you can learn with experienced driving instructors who’ve been exactly where you are now, without the need for extensive commuting. Get in touch with HGV Training Network today to get the ball rolling.

          2 – Undergo a medical examination

          The law also requires you to undergo a medical examination to ensure you’re fit to drive professionally. This is both for your safety and the safety of others on the road, as suffering a medical episode behind the wheel could have dire consequences.

          HGV Training Network organises your medical examination for you as part of your training, saving you the hassle of booking in with a doctor yourself. Yet another reason so many students are thrilled to learn with us!

          3 – Revise for and take your HGV theory test

          You remember taking your theory test when you were first trying to earn your car licence, right? Well, the HGV theory test is virtually the same process.

          Upon booking your HGV theory test, you’ll need to find the right resources to study in preparation. We provide you with theory software for you to prepare for the tests, including study material, test questions, videos and more tools, so you know exactly what to focus your attention on.

          The test is split into three parts – multiple choice and hazard perception – these make up the driver theory test for the HGV. Just like a standard driving theory test. So if you’ve completed one of these tests before, you’re already in a great position.

          It’s pretty self-explanatory; You need to choose the correct answers in your multiple choice test and click at the appropriate moment during your hazard perception test when you see a hazard or potential hazard emerging. Simple! Check out our blog on your HGV theory test for more info.

          The third and final test you do is the first part of the CPC. This test will give you a number of “case studies” based on situations you’ll likely come across whilst driving a HGV. 

          4 – Practice for and take your HGV practical test and CPC test

          Once you’ve passed your HGV theory test with flying colours, it’s time to do the same with your practical. During revision for your HGV practical test, you’ll get behind the wheel of an HGV with a trained, qualified HGV training instructor who will show you everything you need to know to become a professional driver.

          After several hours of practical training (the time differs from person to person) your instructor will let you know they think you’re ready to take the practical test – and pass! During your practical exam, you’ll be expected to complete the same motions and processes you practiced with your instructor, as well as confirm you’re able to handle the vehicle safely and perform all adequate safety checks, such as a vehicle walk-around.

          You’ll also need to complete your driver CPC (Certificate of Professional Competence) training and test to earn your driver certificate – this is a required qualification lorry drivers must have and must be renewed every few years. But don’t worry, at HGVTN, we also arrange all of this for you, so you can devote all your time and energy towards your studies.

          5 – Receive your licence and apply for jobs

          After passing all relevant parts of your exams, you’ll be awarded your HGV licence – the tool you need to qualify for available HGV jobs. While the training and period itself can be over and done within just a few days, it will take several weeks for your licence to arrive.

          But once you have it, you can begin searching ‘HGV jobs near me’ online using the major job search sites. Thanks to the demand, you’ll likely be greeted with a plethora of job opportunities right on your doorstep.

          However, with HGVTN, you’ll also gain access to our partner, Blue Arrow, who specialises in linking new HGV drivers with the jobs most suitable to them. So your job hunt might be a short one!

          How to become a HGV driver? - HGV Training Network

          Begin your journey towards becoming a HGV driver with HGVTN today

          If you’re ready to ditch the standard 9 to 5 for a more enjoyable, independent and well-paid position, start learning with HGV Training Network today.

          Our team of experienced and qualified instructors are ready and waiting to pass along their knowledge and experience, so you can reap the benefits.

          Reach out to a HGVTN colleague today for more information.

          Fill out our contact form

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            HGV Training General Election - HGV Training Network
            blog, HGV News

            With less than two weeks to go until polling day, coverage and conversations alike are full of the key policies of each of the political parties.

            While we ponder what our futures might look like under a new or continued Conservative government, those looking into HGV training to improve their career prospects might wonder what this all means for them.

            So, what might the general election mean for HGV training and driving? The expert team at HGV Training Network reveal all.

            HGV Training General Election - HGV Training Network

            Cuts in immigration could offer opportunities

            A divisive and sensitive subject for many, immigration is a key focus of the 2024 general election so far.

            But whether you agree with increased immigration control or not, both main parties, Labour and Conservatives, are suggesting cutting overseas recruitment-based immigration by offering targeted training in sectors facing staff shortages.

            AKA – HGV drivers.

            Labour intends to ‘reform the points-based migration system’ and ‘end the long-term reliance on overseas workers’ by bringing in workforce and training plans that will also ‘upskill [UK] workers and improve working conditions in the UK.’

            In a similar vein, the Conservatives aim to deliver a Lifelong Learning Entitlement – giving adults the support they need to train, retrain, and upskill throughout their working lives. This will be achieved with loans that cover the cost of new qualifications* or Skills Bootcamps which directly address sector-specific shortages.

            To ensure those in the UK are not competing for these jobs, the Tories also want to bring migration numbers down, welcoming only the ‘brightest and best’ by tightening VISA rules.  

            Especially for those in marginalised communities

            For people who face greater barriers to working, including:

            • Those trapped in long-term unemployment
            • Ex-offenders
            • Veterans
            • Homeless people
            • Those who are neuro-diverse or have mental health conditions

            Are exactly the kind of people who need help to access skilled work, like HGV driving.

            It’s hoped that reinforced interest in upskilling the UK workforce will allow for more of those who face difficulty or barriers when trying to find skilled work.

            *If the Conservatives don’t come into power and bring in these loans, why not explore our HGV training finance? It doesn’t rely on red ties getting enough votes and can give you a same-day response thanks to the easy online application process.

            HGV Training General Election - HGV Training Network

            HGV training for the Driver (CPC) could change

            A large part of HGV training, the Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) qualification is an essential step to becoming qualified.

            However, expected changes to the CPC may well not happen, as the general election has now been called and the changes have yet to be debated in parliament before they become law. 

            As a result of a government consultation in 2023, changes looked set to cover:

            What qualification type you wanted to pursue

            Drivers could choose from either an International Driver CPC or a National Driver CPC, which allows you to drive in the EU and the UK or just the UK respectively.

            For the International Driver CPC

            To achieve this qualification, HGV drivers must complete 35 hours of International Driver CPC training every five years.

            Course particulars include:

            • All courses must be at least seven hours long
              • If a course is split over a day, it must be completed on two consecutive days
              • E-learning in a trainer-led course is limited to two hours
              • You’re allowed to do a total of 12 hours e-learning towards your overall 35 hours of training

            For the National Driver CPC

            If you only want to drive in the UK, you can complete 35 hours of National Driver CPC training every five years or a combination of 35 hours of National Driver CPC and International Driver CPC training every five years.

            If passed under the new government, changes looked set to include:

            • Decreased course time – from 7 hours to 3.5 hours
              • Split courses don’t need to be completed on consecutive days
              • E-learning only is not limited to two hours – you could complete the whole 3.5-hour e-learning course at home
              • E-learning can make up 12 hours of your overall 35 hours of training

            However, there is no guarantee that future governments will progress these proposed changes, no matter how beneficial they would be to current and future HGV drivers – we’ll just have to wait and see.

            *Did you know – HGVTN has over 300 5-star reviews on Google from satisfied HGV driving trainees who’ve qualified with us?

            HGV Training General Election - HGV Training Network

            Industry-wide issues

            Like the CPC driver qualifications, there is a huge array of issues facing HGV drivers across the UK – and many voters will be wondering if these will also be addressed by campaigning political parties.

            This includes:

            • A lack of proper truck stops

            Which include secure places to park the HGVs, comfortable places to sleep, proper washrooms for keeping fresh, and access to healthy, unprocessed meals.

            • A lack of toilet facilities

            Completely understandable on hours-long motorway routes.

            • Prompt repairs to UK roads, including potholes, and stopping endless roadworks that result in delays
            • The cessation of SMART motorways and hard shoulders being used as carriageways

            Allowing for safe stopping in emergencies.

            Choose HGV Training Network if you want a provider in the know

            Until the final vote is cast on July 4th, there’s no way to know who will end up leading the UK for the next four years.

            However, all we can do is campaign loudly for change for existing and upcoming drivers who have completed HGV training with us at HGVTN.

            With over 50 locations across the UK and experienced HGV staff who stay up to date with all current affairs within the industry, you can be confident you’ll have all the skills needed to be an HGV driver for years to come.

            To find out more, send us an email at contact@hgvtrainingnetwork.com or fill in our contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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              What is a class 2 driver? HGV Training Network
              blog, HGV News

              If you’ve been looking into HGV driving as a career path, you may have come across several terms that you’re not familiar with when investigating HGV theory and practical training, causing some confusion.

              This is understandable, given just how many different vehicles, vehicle types, licence types and qualifications are out there for you to get your hands on. One of the most common terms you may have come across is a ‘class 2 driver’ – don’t worry, there’s a reason it’s popping up so much in your research, and the team at HGV Training Network will explain all for you, if you’re not in the know.

              But whatever you’re looking for in HGV driving, HGVTN will have the right course to help you earn your licence quickly, so you can get out on the open road faster and earn a fantastic living your way.

              With this in mind, here’s everything you need to know about what a class 2 driver is and the difference between class 2 drivers and drivers holding slightly different qualifications. Did you know: HGVTN is home to 50 HGV training centres scattered across the UK? So no matter where you are, there will be a training centre for you! Click here to learn more.

              What is a class 2 driver? - HGV Training Network

              Class 2 lorry licence explained

              In simple terms, an HGV class 2 driver is someone who has earned their class 2 licence – also known as an HGV or lorry licence, or Cat C licence – along with their driver CPC (Certificate of Professional Competence).

              It is one of the most common HGV licences carried by drivers on the road today, as it allows them to take the reigns of large vehicles over 7.5 tonnes in weight, but not exceeding 32 tonnes – which accounts for many of the large vehicles you see on Britain’s roads today.

              Most learner drivers of large vehicles will be working towards earning a class 2 licence, unless they’ve opted to learn to drive a different type of vehicle that requires a slightly different licence. Plus, the class 2 licence must first be earned before new or more experienced drivers can move on to driving larger, more challenging vehicles (more on this in a moment). But whatever HGV courses are opted for, these learner drivers must already have a standard car licence if they wish to train for a valid HGV licence.

              Difference from a class 1 and class 2 driving licence

              The next most common licence type you will have come across while researching HGV training is the class 1 licence. 

              Also known as the Cat C+E licence, this licence goes one step beyond the class 2 licence in that drivers holding it are allowed to drive vehicles up to 44 tonnes in weight. These vehicles can also have detachable trailers fitted to the back. These are known as articulated vehicles, which can bend in the middle for better manoeuvrability. 

              They’re generally larger and more difficult to drive than HGVs that can be driven with a class 2 licence. However, they’re also an attractive prospect for learner drivers, given the higher wages they command.

              If you’re further along in your HGV journey than beginner drivers and are interested in upgrading your class 2 licence to a class 1, HGV Training Network can help. So be sure to speak to one of our expert driving instructors today.

              What is a class 2 driver? - HGV Training Network

              Is there a difference between a lorry licence and a HGV licence?

              Technically, no. Both ‘lorry’ and ‘HGV’ are generally considered interchangeable terms that represent large heavy goods vehicles. 

              You may also be familiar with the term LGV (Large Goods Vehicle). This used to have an alternate meaning, but since driving standards have changed over time, it is now also recognised as an interchangeable term that represents any large vehicle.

              So if you’re wondering whether you need to earn your lorry, LGV or HGV licence, don’t worry. As a rule of thumb, you’ll be shooting for your class 2 licence first, unless you want to drive a different type of vehicle entirely. But this will all be made crystal clear to you by your training provider.

              Earn your class 2 licence and learn to drive heavy goods vehicles with HGV Training Network

              Ready to ditch your old career and embark on a new and exciting venture as an HGV driver? Or perhaps you’re an experienced driver looking to take the next step up in your HGV career and earn a whole new licence?

              Whatever your driving aspirations, the team at HGV Training Network are the ones to get you there. With a roster of highly experienced HGV drivers who’ve helped thousands of learners just like you pass their HGV test, we’re your number one choice for HGV training in the UK.

              When it comes to new HGV drivers, UK training centres aren’t always easy to scout out. But with over 50 HGV training centres to choose from, we’re undoubtedly the best and most convenient choice.

              To get started, simply get in touch with the HGVTN team today to find your local HGV training centre and take the first steps towards your new driving future. Alternatively, if you have any burning questions like ‘How much does HGV training cost?’ or ‘How much do HGV drivers earn?’ speak to one of our team members about our enticing finance options today.

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