Drivers hours and tachographs explained -HGV Training Network
HGV News

The UK law requires all professional HGV and PCV drivers to follow the drivers hours rule and log their work hours and breaks by using a tachograph. For this purpose, they can either use a traditional tachograph which uses a wax chart or a modern digital tachograph.

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Scania set world record at Convoy in the Park
HGV News

Recently, an interesting unofficial world record was set by Truck manufacturer Scania. 421 Scania trucks parked together making it the largest gathering of trucks of a single make in one place. The event took place at Donington Park circuit race at the cheerful occasion of Convoy in the Park truck festival.

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Foreign driving laws
HGV News

Planning to go on a holiday abroad by car and have no clue about the driving laws in Europe? Well, you are not alone! Around 34 million holiday trips abroad are made by Brits every year. Out of this one-third of the population admit that they are totally blank about foreign driving rules. Keeping this in mind, we decided to jot down a list of crazy foreign driving rules, to help you feel more relaxed while on a holiday.

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CPC Training for teachers driving mini buses.
HGV News

Teachers Will Now Need to Complete a CPC to Drive School Minibuses

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HGV Campaign to get more female drivers - HGV Training Network
HGV News

With over 92% of HGV drivers being males, there is no denying the fact that women are clearly underrepresented in the haulage industry. As 60% of HGV drivers are over 45 years of age, there are more people looking to retire than gain HGV training and join the HGV industry. According to figures released by Road Haulage Association, around 40,000 drivers are due to leave the industry by 2017.

Female HGV Driver - HGV Training Network
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Pink truck to support breast cancer awareness - HGV Training Network
HGV News

If you see a bright pink truck out on the roads, don’t be surprised. Trucking companies have not permanently changed colours of all the trucks. However, only a few have particularly been painted pink in support of breast cancer awareness.

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Lee Rigby and Eddie Stobbart HGV
HGV News

In 2013 after the tragic murder of Lee Rigby, the famous haulage firm, Eddie Stobart named their truck to honour the 25-year-old soldier. This was the second time ever that an Eddie Stobart truck was named after a man. The first one was named Valentino after the Italian racing legend Valentino Rossi. The usual green and red Eddie Stobart trucks are mostly named after females. Therefore it is a rare honour for a man to have a truck named after him.

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HGV best roads
HGV News

Bored of city life and tired of the monotonous daily grind? If the answer to both is a yes, then probably it’s time to head to the scenic plains for a relaxing break!

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Army HGV
HGV News

Serving the military is surely a very prestigious thing to do. However, when your career comes to an end, it’s time to use your lifelong skills to earn your bread in the civilian world.

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