how long does it take to pass your hgv theory test - HGV Training Network
blog, HGV News

Considering a change of career? Are you bored and uninspired by your current job and want to expand your horizons?

Retraining as an HGV or LGV driver opens up an exciting new occupation, with plentiful job opportunities, a fantastic work-life balance, and a great starting salary

So, how long does it take to train as an HGV driver? Read on to find out once and for all. 

How long is the process from start to finish?

To complete every step, we expect it will take you around 2-3 months to retrain as an HGV driver.

This means that it is possible to be ready for your new career in no time at all!

However, as some of the drivers we train have already started the process, it could be even quicker again depending on how many of the stages you have completed historically. 

How long does HGV training take?

Step One: Complete the D2 and D4 forms

The very first step of HGV training includes filling in your D2 and D4 application forms, which are available from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) and in your Welcome pack when you book the course. Your dedicated HGVTN Training Coordinator will help you with this and will also arrange your medical test on your behalf. 

The D2 application form puts the correct lorry entitlement on your license as a learner – allowing you to begin your HGV training. You will then take your D4 form to your medical test to be passed as medically fit to drive a large road vehicle. 

Your medical test simply includes assessing your eyesight and blood pressure, as well as your general health, so it is nothing to be nervous about. 

How long will this take? 

HGVTN can book medical tests on your behalf in as little as 3-4 days. We would advise that you use this time while you wait for your appointment to revise for your theory tests and fill out the paperwork for your D2 application – allowing you to use your time effectively. 

Once the D2 and D4 forms have been completed and sent off with your driver’s licence, the DVLA can take between 1-3 weeks to process your licence and return it to you. 

How long does HGV training take?

Step Two: Revise for and complete your theory test

Just like obtaining a driving licence for a car, there is a theoretical component of the testing you need to pass to gain your HGV licence. 

You should aim to start your theory revision as soon as you can, which when partnered with HGVTN’s online theory test software – will ensure you are ready to pass your test in no time. 

The test comes in three parts and includes multiple-choice questions, a hazard perception test, and a CPC Module 2 case studies test. 

How long will this take?

How long this stage takes is up to you, as you should only take the theory tests when you feel ready and confident that you will pass. This means that for some it could take a few weeks, and for others, a few months. 

However, it is important to remember that you don’t need to wait for your D2 and D4 paperwork to be complete before you start revising. You can start this as early as you would like which will help you to speed up the process if you want to get out on the open road sooner rather than later.

How long does HGV training take?

Step Three: Commence practical training and take your practical test 

This next stage involves beginning your 5-day intensive driving course in the run-up to your practical test. 

This takes place over 5 days, starting on Monday morning, and culminating on Friday afternoon with your practical test. 

 The practical test includes vehicle safety questions and 1 hour of road driving, including 10 minutes of independent driving where you must make decisions without the assistance of your driving examiner. 

Your week of practical HGV training from HGVTN will allow you to navigate confidently and capably on the roads while answering the vehicle safety questions – just as you did during your car driving test. 

Our high-quality and experienced instructors will work one-on-one with you during the week to prepare you for your practical test – ensuring you can drive safely, show awareness, and anticipate other road users while dealing with hazards.  

How long will this take?

This part of your HGV driver journey will be completed in one working week, from Monday to Friday, inclusive. 

Drivers CPC Check - HGV Training

Part Four: CPC tests 

This last stage of the process includes achieving your Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) qualification – something much of the industry now insists on if you are to drive professionally. 

This extra qualification has been introduced to improve road safety and maintain high standards of driving, which is essential given the size and weight of the HGVs on the road. 

The CPC qualification is made up of two modules, named Module 2 and 4, which are completed alongside your theory tests and practical training respectively. 

Module 2 is theoretical and involves answering multiple-choice questions on a computer – HGVTN offers all students access to our CPC theory training software to allow you to practice and revise for this test. 

Module 4 is practical but does not include driving. Instead, it focuses on demonstrating skills that HGV drivers will rely on when working, including checking vehicle loading, using restraining devices to secure a load, and checking the vehicle is roadworthy before entering a public highway. 

Once completed and passed, drivers will be issued their initial DQC which is valid for 5 years. When this has elapsed, drivers must undertake further periodic driver CPC training – 35 hours every 5 years. 

How long does this take? 

The Module 2 test is completed while you sit your theory tests, meaning that you don’t have to spend time commuting back and forth from the theory test centre throughout your training. 

The Module 4 test will be booked in for you during your practical training week, which means that when you complete your practical test on the Friday afternoon you will have all of the qualifications you need to start your new career! 

Choose HGVTN for HGV training no matter your location 

With 50 locations across the country, an experienced team of professional instructors, and full accreditation from all industry bodies including Logistics UK, there is no better option for HGV training than HGV Training Network. We offer HGV Training Finance allowing you to train now and pay later for your training.

To get your new career on the road, reach out to us today. You can call us on 0800 254 5007, email us at, or fill out our quick enquiry form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. 

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how to pass your HGV theory test
blog, HGV News

Passing your HGV theory test is the same as any other qualification – it requires dedication, the correct learning materials, and support from seasoned HGV training experts.

Our experienced professionals have composed a handy blog filled with tips that will help you pass your HGV theory test and bring you one step closer to a new, rewarding life on the road.

HGV theory test - HGV Training Network

How the HGV theory test works

Your HGV theory test consists of two sections: multiple choice and hazard perception.

You’ll have 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete 100 questions and must answer 85 questions or more correctly – this may seem like a lot; however, it helps to ensure that those passing their tests will be confident and safe road users.

Secondly, you’ll need to complete a hazard perception test – a series of 19 video clips testing your ability to spot developing hazards that require you to act e.g., changing speed and direction if a larger vehicle is approaching down a tight road. 

Simply click your mouse as soon as you notice a hazard developing – you can earn up to 5 points for each video and need 67 out of 100 points to pass.

Want to speak to our dedicated experts about the HGV theory test? Call us on 08002 545 007  for more information.

Tried and tested tips for passing your HGV theory test

1. Become familiar with the HGV training theory test topics

You’ll be quizzed on several topics focusing on different aspects of HGV driving, just like a standard driving test. Some of the subjects include but aren’t limited to:

• Vehicle weight and dimensions

• Braking systems

• The driver

• Road & traffic signs

• Road conditions

• Vehicle condition

• Vehicle loading

You’ll find all the information and resources you need in the official revision materials outlined by the DVSA which includes eLearning and books. Or use the software provided by HGVTN to save you time and money. 

2. Revise, revise, and revise!

Don’t leave it to chance – the more you revise and research, the more educated you’ll become on the information required to pass your HGV theory test, making the exam easier.

There’s no correct way to revise, as we all learn differently, so pick whichever method best suits you! You could use an app (ask one of our training coordinators for more guidance), textbooks and notes, flashcards or watch educational videos.

HGV theory test

3. Take plenty of practice tests

Blindly taking your theory test without practising beforehand will likely end in failure as you won’t be familiar with the test format and conditions.

To ensure you’re fully prepared for the real deal and that there are no surprises, we recommend completing as many practice tests as possible under test conditions. 

You’ll have 1 hour and 15 minutes for your multiple-choice questions and 45 minutes for the hazard perception part of the test – so ensure you complete your practice theory test within this time frame in complete silence without revision materials. 

Did you know? – It’s proven that taking practice tests improves your ability to recall information down the line for your real theory test, so there’s a higher chance that you’ll pass the first time!

4. Practice your hazard perception 

Spotting developing hazards and reacting to them using the software in the test centre can be practised using training videos showing potential real-life incidents occurring on the road.

We advise using trusted software to practice spotting hazards that use a similar format to the exam and conducting your own research around potential hazards on the road.

5. Have faith in your driving

Finally, the most valuable advice we can offer is to believe in yourself. You’re more capable than you think, and if you follow our helpful tips, you will likely pass rather than fail. 

Plus, even if you don’t qualify the first time, you’ll get there soon enough!

HGV theory test

Get in touch with HGV Training Network today

At HGV Training Network, we offer trusted HGV training for those wishing to enter the fulfilling world of professional driving. 

All the instructors we hire have years of real-life experience driving HGVs and will help you to become a safe and confident driver.

To view our list of HGV Training Network’s training centre locations, click here, or for more information about our training packages, call us on 08002 545 007 to speak with our helpful customer service team.

Fill out our contact form

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    government funding for hgv training
    blog, HGV News

    Government funding for HGV training has allowed thousands of people to take HGV driver training and enter the world of HGV driving as a career.

    Originally announced in 2021, the funding scheme was designed to bring new drivers into the industry, to make up for losses that came about as a result of the pandemic and Brexit, along with the current HGV driver shortage.

    Government-funded HGV training courses and HGV skills bootcamps in 2022 were very popular, which is one of the reasons the government announced it was extending the HGV training funding scheme into 2023. But is free training for HGV driving still available in 2024, and can you earn your HGV driving licence without it?

    Government-funded HGV training courses 2024

    At first, it seemed as though the HGV skills bootcamp scheme government funding for HGV training courses would finish at the end of 2023. However, this hasn’t proven to be the case.

    It now appears the government has extended the scheme into 2024, meaning new lorry drivers and those planning to drive similar vehicles have more time to learn the skills they need to start a career as an HGV driver with help from the UK government.

    But the clock is ticking, and with the recent financial struggles the country has been facing, there’s every possibility the scheme will be finished at the end of the 2025 financial year. 

    This means if you want to take an HGV test to become an HGV driver after this time, or if you’re not eligible for government funding, you’ll need to find alternative solutions if you need a hand with funding your studies.

    Luckily, there are other options available aside from government funding for HGV training…

    Government funding for HGV training - HGV Training Network

    HGV training finance from HGV Training Network

    At HGV Training Network, we’re proud to offer flexible finance solutions to those seeking to become HGV drivers and earn the qualifications they need – including their driver certificate of professional competence.

    This allows you to pay for your studies in simple monthly instalments. Perfect for those unable to pay out of pocket for their training now that government funding for HGV training has ended.

    Flexible finance options can be a lifesaver for those getting behind the wheel of a heavy goods vehicle. They can really take the pressure off and make the experience a lot less overwhelming.

    If you’re thinking about HGV training, finance options could be the solution you’ve been looking for.

    Here are just a few great benefits of learning to drive a HGV through flexible finance.

    Did You Know? You’ll find over 300 5-star reviews for HGVTN from satisfied students on Google… Many of whom took advantage of our flexible finance options!

    Earn your HGV licence without worrying about your bank balance without government funding for HGV training

    A lot of courses expect students to pay the entirety of their tuition upfront.

    That’s why flexible finance for HGV training can be a godsend if you want to enter the world of HGV driving.

    With our HGV training finance, you can get on with your learning without worrying about the state of your bank account.

    Why? Because we don’t make you pay the entirety of your course costs upfront. Instead, you can pay for your HGV training in easy-to-manage monthly instalments.

    So you can spread the cost and put the money you’ll save in the short term towards other important payments like household bills, making it easy to obtain your HGV license without government funding for HGV training.

    Government funding for HGV training

    Pay for your HGV training on a payment schedule that works for you

    Even if you don’t need to pay a ridiculous sum upfront, sometimes people are left in dire straits due to having a bloated credit agreement they know they can’t afford. 

    These are usually made up of things like mobile phone contract payments and insurance costs.

    At HGV Training Network, we know how hard it can be to balance your finances while studying. That’s why we work closely with our students to come up with a payment plan that’s tailored to their budget and schedule. You can be confident that you’ll never have to pay more than you can comfortably afford.

    If you’re worried about your HGV class 2 training cost, class 1 training cost, or the cost of training for any other heavy goods vehicle, we’re here to help.

    We’ve partnered with Snap- the UK’s only multi-lender retail finance provider – to bring you payment options you can fit around your current finances.

    If you’re eligible, you could even stretch your payment plan across a massive 36 months, if that works for you, giving you plenty of time to pay everything back.

    While we can’t offer a finance agreement to every prospective HGV learner, most people are more than suitable.

    Our eligibility rules are in place not only for our benefit but for yours, so you don’t sign up for an agreement that you’re not able to follow.

    All we ask is that you:

    • Are at least 18 years old.
    • Have a regular income of £200 per week.
    • Are a permanent UK resident and have lived in the UK for at least 3 years.
    • Have a UK bank account capable of accepting Direct Debits.
    • Have a good credit history with no recent defaults or late payments.
    • Have no active debt relief orders, County Court Judgments(CCJs), Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVAs) or bankruptcies.
    • Provide an email address so your documentation can be emailed to you.
    • Are legally able to obtain an HGV provisional licence

    Easy enough, right? If you’d like more of a visual example, we have an outline of what your payment plan could look like on our HGV Finance page, so you know exactly how things will work.

    If you want help with financing for HGV training and are eligible, get in touch to talk about how we can help.

    Government funding for HGV Training - HGV Training Network

    Get a decision on your HGV training finance in minutes, not days

    Applying for a finance agreement can be a ridiculously drawn-out process in some cases.

    Most lenders are so busy (or inefficient) they can take forever and a day to get back to you, even if you’ve dedicated a lot of time and resources to filling out your finance application to a tee.

    This doesn’t work for people who need a decision on their eligibility quickly, especially if there are other options on the table.

    You wouldn’t bother waiting for someone dragging their feet when you can get a decision made straight away, right?

    That’s why we’re proud to offer our HGV training finance options through Snap. When you apply for a finance agreement with HGV Training Network, you won’t need to wait days or weeks for a response.

    With us, you’ll usually know if you’re accepted within a few minutes. So, don’t worry, you’ll have a speedy answer and can start training with us sooner rather than later.

    Want to pay back your loan early? Unlike other lenders, you won’t face a penalty with HGV Training Network

    Sometimes, we can agree to pay back a consistent figure in a finance agreement every month, but it can be useful for our own finances (and peace of mind) to pay back a larger figure than usual.

    This could happen if you come into some money unexpectedly, or have a better financial month than the previous one and have some spare cash lying around.

    There can be a catch, though. Some lenders penalise their customers for paying back part or all of their loans early – a common practice amongst mortgage and credit lenders.

    But with HGV Training Network, we won’t ever punish you for wanting to pay back your finance earlier than expected. Meaning you could clear your outstanding balance much quicker than expected.

    If anything, paying back early shows you’re a reliable student who is happy to pay for the costs of your learning. So why would we ever punish you for that?

    Pay for your HGV training with flexible finance options at HGV Training Network

    If all of the above sounds like the right move for your HGV training, get in touch with HGV Training Network today.

    Call 0800 254 5007 and let’s get the ball rolling. Or, you can head to our Finance page here and get a fast quote for your HGV training on finance. Find your nearest HGV training location to get started today.

    Already have your HGV licence and considering obtaining additional training at HGV Training Network we also offer a range of additional courses including; HIAB training, ADR training and CPC training.

    Fill out our contact form

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      HGV training programme for large goods vehicles
      blog, HGV News

      When driving a large goods vehicle, it’s important to take extra care on the roads. Not only are they bigger and heavier than other vehicles, but they can also be subject to more strict speed limits. If you’re caught speeding in a lorry or van, you could face hefty fines and potential licence disqualification. That’s why all drivers of large goods vehicles must receive proper training to help them stay safe and legal while on the road. Let’s take a look at how HGV training programmes can teach you about avoiding speeding fines.

      HGV speeding fines - HGV Training Network

      Speed limits for large goods vehicles

      The first step in avoiding speeding fines is understanding the speed limit for your vehicle. This can vary depending on whether you’re driving on a motorway or single-carriageway road, as well as what type of vehicle you’re in. For example, HGVs weighing over 7500kg are limited to 50mph on single-carriageway roads and 60mph on dual-carriageways and motorways, which is lower than the national speed limit for cars (70mph). HGV training programmes cover all of this information so that drivers understand the rules before they get out on the road.

      Enforcing speeding fines

      It’s not just understanding the speed limits that will help you avoid fines – it’s also knowing how these limits are enforced. For instance, HGVs may be subject to average speed cameras – these measure your average speed over a certain area or route rather than one specific point – as well as roadside police checks. HGV training programmes cover all of these enforcement methods so that drivers understand when and where they might be checked for speeding offences. 

      HGV speeding fines - HGV Training Network

      In addition to teaching drivers about speed limits and enforcement methods, HGV training courses also focus on other ways to stay safe and legal while driving large goods vehicles. For instance, drivers will learn how to conduct regular maintenance checks which ensure their vehicles remain in good working order throughout their journey. They will also learn how to carry out pre-journey checks which help them plan routes safely. And finally, they may learn about statutory rest breaks which keep both themselves and other road users safe while they travel long distances. All of these topics are covered in detail during HGV training programmes so that drivers have full knowledge of what is expected of them when behind the wheel. 

      In short, HGV training programmes provide comprehensive coverage of everything related to staying safe and legal while driving a large goods vehicle. Through classroom instruction and practical driving experience, drivers learn about relevant speed limits, enforcement methods, maintenance checks, pre-journey planning, rest breaks, and more – all topics that are vital for avoiding expensive speeding fines and potentially ending your career as an HGV driver. Ultimately, completing an HGV training programme or a CPC course refresher helps ensure safe journeys for both truckers and other road users alike.

      Thanks for taking the time to read our large goods vehicle blog post; we hope you enjoyed it. If you did enjoy what you read today, consider reading more of our HGV Training blogs like this one: Get your HGV licence with HGV training. In the coming weeks, we will have a lot more content to share with you. We would love to connect with you and share more of what we are up to with you.

      There are many other places to find us online, including Twitter: @HGVTrainingNetwork, Facebook: @HGVTrainingNetwork, and LinkedIn: @HGVTrainingNetwork.

      Take the first step towards a rewarding driving career today by registering with HGV Training Network today

      If you are interested in starting a career in trucking with HGV Training Network, we can help you with that. We offer a FREE consultation and quote for training, so if you want to learn more about what we provide, contact us. Our experts are ready to help you find the right course for you.

      If you would like to reach us by phone, please call 0800 254 5007, or you can email us at .

      HGV speeding fines - HGV Training Network

      HGV Training Network – A leading provider of HGV training in the UK

      We are HGV Training Network, the UK’s leading company for HGV training for large goods vehicle drivers. We provide training for HGV drivers and operators throughout the UK. Whether you’re a new applicant or an experienced professional, we have training available for all levels of drivers. With a team of experienced and knowledgeable personnel on hand, as well as flexible payment options available, we’re proud to offer competitive prices and services.

      If you are searching for answers about HGVs, you’ve come to the right place. Check out our FAQs for all the information you need

      Can you tell me how I can get a job driving heavy goods vehicles?

      To become a driver of a HGV vehicle, there are a few ways to go about it. If you want to obtain your HGV licence, you have different options: you can go to a driving school, become an intern at a company and work your way up the ladder, or you can be hired by a trucking company as a driver and then be trained in-house by them.

      Regardless of the route you choose, if you intend to drive an HGV in the future, you will need to pass both a theory test and a practical driving test in order to become certified as a HGV driver. You’ll find that the theory test will cover topics such as vehicle safety, UK traffic laws, and hours of service regulations. An HGV practical driving test is more tailored to trucks than the normal UK driving test and is one that will assess your ability to drive safely and securely in a heavy goods vehicle.

      What is the cost of becoming an HGV driver in the UK?

      It is difficult to give a definitive answer to this question because it can depend on several factors, such as the type of training provider you choose and the level of certification you aim to achieve. Please contact us if you would like to receive a free quote from one of our employees. Upon receiving your request, we can provide you with a detailed explanation of the various types of training and the costs associated with them so that you can make an informed decision.

      Learn how much a provisional HGV driving license costs.

      What is the length of training for HGV drivers?

      The first step is to attend and complete an authorised training course. The duration will depend on the type of HGV licence you’re aiming to get. Upon successful completion of the course, a certificate of competence will be presented to you. A medical examination and a driving test must then be passed for you to be awarded a full licence for driving heavy goods vehicles. It may take 8 weeks or more to complete this process.

      So in total, it usually takes around 6-12 weeks to become a fully qualified HGV driver. Learn more about the length of HGV training you’ll need.

      Is it worth becoming a HGV driver in 2023 if you have no experience in the field?

      It is well worth becoming an HGV driver in the coming year. A shortage of HGV drivers exists in the UK at the moment, and the situation is only set to worsen. Therefore, there are plenty of job opportunities for HGV drivers, and they can expect good pay and benefits.

      Also, you will find the job interesting and challenging, and you will be able to travel around the country as a result. HGV driving is a great career choice if you’re in search of something that offers you plenty of opportunities and rewards, as well as a steady income.

      Is driving an HGV a difficult task?

      It takes a lot of practice in order to become a safe driver of an HGV, but driving an HGV itself is relatively easy.

      There is no doubt that practising in a safe and controlled environment is the biggest benefit when it comes to learning to drive a heavy-duty truck. Before you hit the road, make sure you are completely comfortable with the truck. Please keep in mind that large vehicles take longer to stop, so always give yourself plenty of space when driving around smaller vehicles. Make sure you stay alert at all times and are aware of the surroundings around you. When operating a large vehicle, safety is of the utmost importance.

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      large goods vehicle licence
      blog, HGV News

      For anyone looking to get into the haulage industry, earning their HGV licence is the first step. Specialist HGV training is designed to help people become qualified for HGV jobs in a much shorter time frame, putting them in the fast lane towards their dream careers. Let’s take a look at what this training offers and why it’s so beneficial.

      The benefits of HGV training

      HGV training has been designed specifically with those interested in becoming qualified drivers in mind. Participants will benefit from comprehensive instruction by experienced trainers and can even take part in mock assessments to gain experience in what taking an actual test will be like. The course also includes modules on health and safety, driver’s hours’ regulations, working time regulations, and other topics necessary for success as an HGV driver.

      How to get a HGV licence - HGV Training Network

      Comprehensive support

      Another key benefit of this training programme is that it provides comprehensive support throughout the entire process – from applying for your licence to taking the final assessment. The instructors are highly knowledgeable about both the industry and the requirements to complete the course successfully, so they can provide guidance and support every step of the way. Plus, if you have any questions or need advice along the way, there’s always someone available to help you out.

      Why you should consider applying

      Whether you’re looking to get into haulage or just want to expand your current skillset and knowledge base, taking part in specialist HGV training could be just what you need. It’s cost-effective, efficient, and provides all of the resources necessary for success – including access to high-quality equipment that you may not have access to otherwise. Plus, with the successful completion of this course comes a fully-fledged qualification that could open up many doors within the industry for you!

      If you’re dreaming of becoming an HGV driver but don’t know where to start or how long it might take to get licensed, enrolling in this kind of training scheme could be exactly what you need. With experienced trainers providing guidance and support each step of the way as well as access to all the resources necessary for success, getting your licence has never been easier! So why wait? Invest in your future today by applying for this amazing opportunity!

      How to get a HGV licence - HGV Training Network

      With our blog, you can keep up to date with everything that’s going on in the world of HGV training!

      Thanks for taking the time to read our large goods vehicle blog post; we hope you enjoyed it. It would be great if you would read more of our HGV Training blogs, like this one How HGV training prepares you for your Class 1 test, if you like what you’ve learnt today. We’re excited to share more with you soon.

      If you are interested in finding out more about our work and connecting with us, please contact us. You can find us on Twitter @HGV_Network, Facebook @HGVTrainingNetwork, and LinkedIn at

      Take the first step towards a rewarding driving career today by registering with HGV Training Network today

      With the help of the HGV Training Network, you can get started on your driving career now.

      We will be happy to give you a FREE quote for training and provide information about our services. If you are looking for the right course for you, our experts are always available to help. If you need assistance, we are available by phone on 0800 254 5007 or 0203 869 9001. You can also send us an email at

      If you need HGV training in the UK, HGV Training Network is the leading provider

      It is our mission at HGV Training Network to provide high-quality HGV training to UK residents. We offer training for all levels of drivers, from new applicants to experienced professionals. Our staff are experienced and knowledgeable, and we’re proud to offer competitive prices, including flexible payment schemes to help you spread the cost.

      How to get a HGV licence - HGV Training Network

      Looking for answers about HGV? Find out everything you need to know about our services by checking out our FAQs

      To become an HGV driver, what steps should I take?

      The process of becoming an HGV driver can be accomplished in a few different ways. There are various ways to go about getting a job in the trucking industry: go to a driving school, apply to a company as an intern and work your way up, or get hired by a company as a driver and then go through their in-house training programme.

      Getting your licence to drive a heavy goods vehicle is a two-part process that requires you to pass both a written and practical driving test. You can expect the written exam to cover topics such as vehicle safety, UK traffic laws, and regulations regarding the hours of service. A truck driving test has different requirements from a standard UK car driving test, and it will assess your ability to operate a heavy goods vehicle on the road safely and responsibly.

      How much does it cost to become an HGV driver in the UK?

      Generally speaking, there isn’t a definitive answer to this question because it can be affected by a variety of factors, including your choice of the training provider and the level of certification you intend to attain. Contact one of our staff members today if you’d like a free quote for your training. You can rely on us to provide you with the best advice regarding what type of training best suits your individual needs and what the associated cost will be.

      What is the length of training for HGV drivers?

      Taking part in and completing an authorised training course is the first step towards a successful career. Depending on the type of HGV licence you are looking to obtain, the duration of the course will vary.

      If you complete the course, you will receive a certificate of competency from the course provider. To receive your full HGV licence, you will need to undergo a medical examination and pass a driving test to be awarded your permit. This process tends to take up to four weeks. In conclusion, it usually takes around 6-8 weeks in total for a person to become a fully qualified driver of a heavy goods vehicle.

      In 2023, does it make sense to become an HGV driver?

      2023 is the perfect time to become an HGV driver. The current shortage of HGV drivers in the UK is only set to worsen in the years to come. In other words, there are a lot of job opportunities for those with HGV licences, and the pay and benefits are good.

      Aside from these benefits, the job also allows you to travel around the country, while the work is both challenging and enjoyable. If you’re in search of a rewarding and long-term career, becoming an HGV driver is a great choice that offers both opportunities and rewards.

      Is driving an HGV difficult?

      There is no doubt that driving a heavy vehicle in itself is relatively easy, but you will need to  practise a lot to become a safe driver. It is vital for anyone learning to drive an HGV to practise in a controlled and safe environment before they embark on the role. Take your time to get to know the vehicle before you hit the open road and make sure you’re fully comfortable with it.

      Keep in mind that large vehicles take a lot longer to slow down and come to a stop, so you will need to give yourself plenty of space when driving around other vehicles. Don’t lose focus on your surroundings at any given time and stay alert at all times. A large vehicle should be operated with caution at all times to prevent accidents.

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      HGV training programme for large goods vehicle
      blog, HGV News

      Obtaining a Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) licence is a great way to open up new opportunities in the transport industry. But you must have the right training before taking your Class 1 test. That’s why HGV training skills programmes are so important; they provide you with the knowledge and experience necessary to pass your exam with flying colours. Let’s take a look at what an HGV training programme entails and why it is so important for candidates.

      What does an HGV training programme entail?

      HGV training programmes typically include both practical and theoretical elements. The practical element covers all aspects of driving, from daily vehicle checks to reversing manoeuvres, while the theoretical training covers aspects such as speed limits, mandatory rest periods, and other topics related to road safety. During this part of the course, candidates gain hands-on experience in driving an HGV as well as being taught about how to handle different types of vehicles. This helps ensure that when taking their test, they are confident behind the wheel and aware of all safety procedures on the roads. 

      HGV class 1 test - HGV Training Network

      What topics are covered?

      The theoretical component additionally covers topics such as loading/unloading procedures, weight limits, route planning, hazard perception, customer service requirements, and more. Candidates must understand all these concepts before taking their Class 1 test so they can demonstrate their knowledge during their examination. By completing an in-depth course such as the one we run, they will be fully prepared for every aspect of their assessment. 

      Why is it important to take an HGV training programme?

      When taking your Class 1 test, you must have a thorough understanding of all relevant topics related to Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs). An accredited HGV training programme provides candidates with all the information required for them to pass their assessment the first time around – from practical skills such as manoeuvring around tight bends or reversing into tight spaces to more complex concepts like weight limits or loading procedures. It also helps build confidence behind the wheel by allowing them plenty of driving practice before taking their exam – something which can make all the difference on testing day!  

      To summarise, anyone looking to obtain a Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) licence must take an accredited HGV training programme beforehand. Doing so ensures that you are fully prepared for your Class 1 test and have enough knowledge and experience when it comes time for your assessment. Good luck!

      HGV class 1 test - HGV Training Network

      With our blogs, you’ll be able to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in HGV training!

      Thanks for taking the time to read our large goods vehicle blog post; we hope you enjoyed it. We also hope that you will read more of our HGV Training blogs, like this one here: How to obtain an HGV licence for large goods vehicles

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      With HGV Training Network, you can start your career as a driver today

      If you want to become an HGV driver, HGV Training Network is the right place to start.

      We will be happy to give you a FREE quote for training and provide information about our services. There is no shortage of advice and assistance from our experts when it comes to choosing the right course for you.

      If you would like to contact us, we can be reached by phone at 0800 254 5007 or 0203 869 9001, or by email at

      We’re proud to be the lead provider of HGV driver training in the UK – HGV Training Network

      Providing HGV training for HGV drivers and operators throughout the UK is the main mission of the HGV Training Network. Whether you’re a new applicant or an experienced professional, we have training available for all levels of drivers. With a team of expert and knowledgeable personnel on hand, as well as flexible payment options available, we’re proud to offer competitive prices and services.

      HGV class 1 test - HGV Training Network

      Are you searching for answers about HGVs? If you are looking for information about our products and services, check out our FAQs

      If I want to be a driver of a heavy goods vehicle, what should I do?

      To become a truck driver, there are a couple of different ways that you can do it. It’s possible to either enrol in a driving school, then apply for an internship with a trucking company and work your way up, or be hired as a driver by a trucking company, and then go through the company’s internal training programme before you are fully licensed.

      To become certified to drive a heavy goods vehicle, either way, you have to pass both a written test and a practical driving test. Written tests will cover topics like vehicle safety, UK traffic laws, and hours of service regulations, as well as additional topics. Unlike the general UK driving test, the driving test for trucks will be more targeted and specific to the work you do as an HGV operator and will assess your ability to drive a large vehicle safely.

      How much will I have to spend to become an HGV driver in the UK?

      There is no definitive answer to this question since it depends on a variety of factors, for instance, the training provider you choose and the level of certification you intend to achieve, among others. Our team of experts would be happy to provide you with a free quote. We can provide you with the best advice on which type of training suits your individual needs and the cost associated with it.

      Approximately how long does it take to train to drive a heavy goods vehicle?

      A training course accredited by the DVLA must be attended and completed as the first step. The duration of your study will depend on the type of HGV licence that you are hoping to acquire.

      After you have completed the course, you will be issued a certificate of competence. To obtain your HGV licence, you will need to pass both a medical examination as well as a practical and theory driving test. There is a possibility that this process may take up to 8 weeks.

      In total, it usually takes around 6-8 weeks to become a fully qualified HGV driver under the current system.

      In 2023, is it still worth becoming an HGV driver?

      Yes, it is well worth becoming an HGV driver in 2023. There is still currently a shortage of HGV drivers in the UK, and this is only set to worsen in the coming years. Therefore, there are plenty of job opportunities for HGV drivers, and they can expect good pay and benefits.

      The job is highly rewarding and challenging, and it will allow you to travel around different parts of the country as part of your role. If you’re in search of a lucrative and long-term career, becoming an HGV driver would be the best choice that offers both opportunities and rewards.

      What is it like to drive an HGV?

      As a general rule, driving a heavy-load vehicle is relatively straightforward, but to become a competent driver, you must practise a lot.

      It is extremely important for anyone who is learning to drive an HGV to practise in a safe and controlled environment first and foremost. The main thing you should do before you get on the open highway is to make sure you feel comfortable with the truck. You should always keep in mind that large vehicles take longer to stop, so make sure that you give yourself plenty of space when driving around other vehicles. It is important to remain alert at all times and to keep an eye on your surroundings at all times. It is important to drive safely when you are operating a large vehicle.

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      Benefits of HGV driving - HGV Training Network
      blog, HGV News

      Are you considering becoming a professional driver? If so, then you should give serious thought to receiving HGV training. The term “HGV” stands for Heavy Goods Vehicle, and it is used to describe vehicles that are used to transport large loads. Obtaining HGV training can be highly beneficial to both aspiring and experienced drivers alike. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why people opt for HGV training and the advantages they stand to gain from it.

      Benefits of HGV driving - HGV Training Network

      Safety First

      Let’s start with the basics — safety. A major part of any HGV training is learning how to handle the vehicle in all types of situations, such as driving on motorways, using low gears, reversing and loading/unloading safely. This means that there is less risk involved when you are out on the roads once you have obtained your licence. Plus, as a bonus, having undergone professional training gives potential employers more confidence in their new driver, which is always a plus!

      Benefits of HGV driving - HGV Training Network

      Job Opportunities Abound

      Having an HGV licence opens up many opportunities in terms of employment and career progression options. There are so many different types of jobs available to those who hold an HGV licence — from lorry drivers to couriers or transport managers — so it’s worth considering investing in some training if you want to open up these possibilities for yourself. A bonus is that often these positions come with higher salaries than other roles may offer as well!

      Benefits of HGV driving - HGV Training Network

      More Job Security

      Having an HGV licence also offers job security due to its sought-after nature. For example, if you ever find yourself without a job, you know that there will be other employers out there looking for someone with your skillset – meaning that you will never be stuck without work for long. Additionally, because demand remains high for experienced drivers, employers are willing to invest in their employees by offering additional training or bonuses where needed – making it even easier for those who already have their licence to stay ahead of the game. 

      Ultimately, enrolling in an HGV course can greatly benefit any driver – existing or aspiring – by increasing safety standards on the road whilst also providing more job security and opportunities for higher wages within the industry. It’s worth considering if you want to take control of your career path and open up new possibilities for yourself!

      Become a driver with HGV Training Network today: If you want to become a driver, start right now!

      Invest in your driving future with HGV Training Network today and begin your journey towards driving success.

      Please contact us for a free quote for training and find out more about the services we offer. Let us help you find the right course for you by contacting our experts.

      If you would like to speak to us, we can be reached by phone at 0800 254 5007 or 0203 869 9001 or by email at

      HGV Training Network – The UK’s Leading HGV Training Provider, a leading provider of training courses for HGVs.

      HGV Train ing Network provides high-quality HGV training in the UK.

      There is no doubt that our staff are experienced and knowledgeable, and we are proud to be able to offer competitive prices, including flexible payment options, to all our clients.

      Have you been looking for answers to your HGV questions? Check out our FAQs for all the information you need.

      Can you tell me how I can get a job driving heavy goods vehicles?

      There are a few ways to become an HGV driver.

      Regardless of which route you take, to be a certified driver of an HGV, you must pass both a written test and a practical driving test. the written test will cover topics such as vehicle safety, UK traffic laws, and regulations regarding hours of service. An HGV practical driving test is more tailored to trucks than the normal UK driving test and is one that will assess your ability to drive safely and securely in a heavy goods vehicle.

      In the United Kingdom, how much does it cost to become an HGV driver?

      Generally speaking, there isn’t a definitive answer to this question because it can be affected by a variety of factors, including your choice of the training provider and the level of certification you intend to attain. If you would like a free quote, please don’t hesitate to contact our representatives. As part of our services, we will happily provide you with expert advice as to what kind of training would be best suited to your individual needs as well as the associated costs.

      What is the typical HGV driver training time?

      Attending and completing an authorised training course is the first step in the process. Your HGV training period will depend on the type of licence you are aiming to obtain.

      Once you complete the course, you will receive a certificate of competence as proof of your accomplishments. For a full HGV licence to be awarded, you must then pass a medical examination followed by a driving test to become qualified. There can be a delay of up to four weeks during this process.

      So in total, it usually takes around 6-8 weeks to become a fully qualified HGV driver.

      Is it worth becoming an HGV driver in 2023 if you have no experience in the field?

      Pursuing a career as an HGV driver in 2023 is well worth the effort.

      HGV drivers are in short supply in the UK, and the situation is only expected to worsen over time. That means there are plenty of job opportunities for HGV drivers, as well as good pay and benefits. Also, this is a job that is both interesting and challenging, which allows you to travel across the country. Therefore, if you are looking for a career that offers plenty of rewards and opportunities, becoming an HGV driver would be a good choice for you.

      Is driving a heavy goods vehicle challenging?

      Driving an HGV is relatively easy, but it takes a lot of practice to become a safe driver.

      It is vital for anyone learning to drive an HGV to practise in a controlled and safe environment before they embark on the role. Make sure you are comfortable with the truck before you hit the open road. Please keep in mind that large vehicles take a longer time to stop than small vehicles, so make sure you give yourself plenty of room when driving around other vehicles. Always be aware of what’s going on around you and be alert at all times. There is no doubt that being able to handle a large vehicle safely is one of the most important factors.

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      HGV training for large goods vehicle
      blog, HGV News

      Being a large goods vehicle driver is no easy task. From the responsibility of driving a potentially hazardous vehicle to the long hours spent on the road, it’s not something that should be taken lightly. As such, high-quality HGV training is essential for anyone who wants to make sure they are well prepared for a career as a large goods vehicle driver. Let’s take a closer look at why HGV training is so important.

      Benefits of being an LGV driver - HGV Training Network

      Hands-On Experience

      Any large goods vehicle driver needs to have hands-on experience navigating through different terrain types such as narrow country lanes or busy city streets. This kind of experience can only be gained through practice, but good quality HGV training will provide plenty of opportunities for practical driving lessons supervised by highly experienced instructors who can ensure that learners gain an understanding of all aspects of safe driving before taking off on their own.

      Good HGV training allows large goods vehicle drivers to become more confident and competent in their job role. They will learn how to manoeuvre their vehicles in difficult situations, how best to navigate all types of roads, and how best to handle dangerous goods or materials that may need transporting. All of this can contribute towards reducing the risk of collisions or accidents, which can save money for companies in terms of insurance claims or vehicle repairs. Additionally, having trained drivers on staff can also help businesses attract new customers, who will be reassured by the fact that their goods are being handled professionally and safely.

      Large Goods Vehicle Driver Benefits

      Lower insurance costs

      If you have an HGV licence, there is the possibility that you’ll benefit from lower insurance premiums. The reason for this is that by having your full HGV training and passing the relevant tests, you have increased and improved your driving skills and knowledge. This can help to make sure that any accidents or incidents are avoided.

      The more training provided to drivers of large goods vehicles (LGV) the better, as far as insurers are concerned. Insurance companies see drivers who have had additional education on how to operate their vehicles safely as a lower risk than those who haven’t received any form of further training.

      In conclusion, HGV training is important for large goods drivers as it provides them with more than just legal knowledge. The training may also help to lower insurance costs. Drivers who have had HGV training are better prepared and can therefore provide a higher level of service. Consequently, this will lead to happier customers and fewer accidents. If you’re thinking about becoming an HGV driver, be sure to get high-quality training first!

      Large Goods Vehicle Driver Benefits

      How to obtain an HGV licence for large goods vehicles

      The application process

      The first step is obtaining your provisional licence. You can apply for the forms for this online or through a Post Office branch. A medical form will be included in the application process. Once you have filled out this form and submitted it along with other required documents, you must wait for the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) to approve it before moving on with the next step in obtaining your HGV licence.

      Training courses 

      Once you have obtained your provisional licence, you will need to look into training courses that are approved by the DVLA and accredited by JAUPT (Joint Approvals Unit for Periodic Training). These courses are offered at various driving schools across the UK and generally involve between five and ten days of lessons and tests, depending on which type of licence you are attempting to obtain. Drivers should check out all available options before selecting one school over another, because prices can vary greatly from provider to provider. Many training schools also offer discounts for those who book multiple days at once, so be sure to enquire about any potential savings!

      What tests need to be passed?

      Once you have finished your studying and gained enough experience, it is time for you to take your tests! The first tests are called ‘Module 1 and Module 2’, otherwise known as ‘HGV Theory Tests’. The Module 1 test consists of multiple-choice questions based on practical driving skills and highway code rules applicable to lorries or buses and a Hazard Perception test. The Module 2 test consists of a case study test which is also multiple choice questions and answers.

      The second part of the course is called ‘Module 3’ or ‘Practical Driving Test’ where an examiner will assess whether or not your driving follows accepted standards while observing how safely you handle a range of typical road scenarios while driving a lorry or bus. We would provide the training for you before the test at one of our 52 training sites across the UK.

      Those who pass both tests will receive their full HGV licence back from the DVLA within three weeks of the completion of their training course.

      Once you have the licence all that is left to do it the CPC course (module 4), which involves a “Show me, tell me” test. This is when you must be able to demonstrate to an examiner that you know how to do the pre-use safety checks that have to be done daily on a bus or a lorry.

      If becoming an HGV driver is something that interests you, then now is the perfect time to start gathering information about how to obtain a licence. With hard work and dedication, you too could become an expert in large goods vehicle handling – good luck!

      HGV Training Network is the best place to start your driving career today.

      If you want to start your driving career today, HGV Training Network can make it happen for you with high-quality HGV training, our staff are experienced and knowledgeable.

      Our training is available at low cost and you can find out more about our services by getting a free quote today. Our team of experts aim to help you find the course that is right for you.

      We are available to assist you by phone on 0800 254 5007. Alternatively, you can contact us via email at

      Are you looking for answers about heavy goods vehicles?

      You can find all the information you need in our FAQ section.

      If I want to be a driver of a heavy goods vehicle, what should I do?

      There are a few ways to become an HGV driver.

      You can either enrol in a driving school and work as an intern for a trucking company, or get hired by a trucking company directly as a driver and then participate in their in-house training programme.

      Regardless of which route you take, to be a certified driver of an HGV, you must pass both a written test and a practical driving test. The written test will cover topics such as vehicle safety, UK traffic laws, and regulations regarding hours of service. Unlike the general UK driving test, the practical driving test for trucks will be more targeted and specific to the work you do as an HGV operator and will assess your ability to drive a large vehicle safely.

      In the UK, what does it cost to become a large goods vehicle driver?

      It is not possible to provide a concrete answer to this question because it can vary depending on several factors, such as the type of training provider you choose, and the level of certification you wish to achieve. Please feel free to talk to one of our staff members if you would like to receive a free quote. Our goal is to give you the best advice regarding the type of training that meets your individual needs and give you an estimate of the associated costs involved in doing so.

      What is the typical HGV driver training time?

      A training course authorised by the government must be attended and completed as the first step. If you are looking for HGV training, the duration will depend on the type of licence you are trying to obtain.

      When you have completed the course, you will receive a certificate which certifies your knowledge of the subject. For a full HGV licence to be awarded, you must then pass a medical examination followed by a practical driving test to become qualified. The process can take up to 12 weeks to complete.

      In general, it usually takes around 6 to 8 weeks for a person to qualify as an HGV driver if studying on a full-time basis.

      What are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a driver for HGVs in 2023?

      2023 is the perfect time to become an HGV driver.

      It is currently estimated that the HGV driver shortage in the UK will worsen in the next few years, which is why there are a lot of job opportunities for those with HGV licences. The role offers great pay and benefits. Additionally, another perk is being able to travel around the country while you work. If you’re looking for a good career that offers plenty of opportunities and rewards, becoming an HGV driver is a great choice.

      Is driving an HGV difficult?

      HGVs can be driven fairly easily, but it is very important to put in a lot of practice so that you can become a safe and competent driver. Anyone who wishes to drive an HGV should practise in a safe and controlled environment to learn how to do it successfully.

      Take your time to get to know the truck before you hit the open road and make sure you’re comfortable with it. You should always keep in mind that large vehicles need a much greater amount of space to stop, so always leave plenty of room between you and the vehicles around you.

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      large goods vehicle guide
      HGV News

      HGVs, or heavy goods vehicles, are a staple on British roads. They transport everything from food and clothes to construction materials and waste. If you’re thinking of becoming an HGV driver, there’s a lot you need to know. Here’s an insight into what it takes to build a career driving an HGV in the UK. 

      The Basics of Driving an HGV

      First things first, you need a special licence to drive an HGV. Getting your licence can take up to two months, so it’s important to plan ahead. You will need to pass both a theory and a practical driving test. The theory test covers topics such as vehicle safety and the Highway Code. The practical test is similar to a regular driving test but with added challenges specific to HGVs, such as reversing a large vehicle into a loading bay.

      Is it worth becoming a HGV driver? - HGV Training Network

      HGV Drivers’ Hours Regulations

      In addition to the basics of driving an HGV, there are regulations surrounding how long you can drive without taking a break. These are known as drivers’ hours’ regulations and they’re there to keep drivers and other road users safe. The rules are complex, but state, for example, that drivers must take breaks after 4.5 hours of driving – these breaks can be either 45 minutes long or split into two shorter breaks of 15 minutes followed by another 30 minutes spent doing something else (like eating or resting). Drivers are allowed no more than 56 hours behind the wheel in one week, with a restriction on how many hours they can drive each day.

      Control System

      When driving an HGV, you must be in control of the vehicle at all times. This means that you need to concentrate on the road to avoid causing an accident. Safe driving is even more important when driving an HGV, as they’re larger, heavier, and more of a threat to other road users than other vehicles.

      HGV drivers must have a good understanding of their vehicle’s control system and its limitations in order to drive safely and effectively. For example, many HGVs have speed limiters on board to prevent them being driven too fast. They also have safety features such as rear-view cameras, reversing cameras and so on to help drivers manoeuvre their vehicles safely and negotiate hazards such as blind spots and turn restrictions at intersections. A large part of your HGV training will be focused on ensuring you understand how to use these control systems so you can drive safely around other vehicles on the road.

      Is it worth becoming a HGV driver? - HGV Training Network

      Bike Safety

      Again, for HGV drivers, it is especially important to be aware of cyclists on the road. Due to the size and weight of HGVs, they can be difficult to manoeuvre around tight spaces and are more likely than other vehicles to cause an accident with a cyclist. As a result, all HGV drivers need to take special care when driving around cyclists and take measures to ensure their safety. This could include leaving extra space between the HGV and cyclists, avoiding sudden lane changes, and being aware of cyclists’ signals.

      Congestion Charges

      It’s important to be aware of congestion charges in the UK. Congestion charges are fees imposed on vehicles entering certain areas at peak hours and are in place in order to reduce the volume of traffic on city roads. HGVs are often subject to these charges due to their size and weight, so drivers need to know where they apply and what they will need to pay in order to drive legally.

      HGVs play an important role in keeping Britain moving – but before you jump behind the wheel of one, there’s a lot you need to know! From getting your licence to following driver’s hours regulations, there are many things potential HGV drivers need to keep in mind before hitting the road. By familiarising yourself with the basics before getting behind the wheel, you can help make Britain’s roads safer for everyone involved.

      Is it worth becoming a HGV driver? - HGV Training Network

      Keep Up With the Latest in HGV Training With Our Blogs!

      We hope you enjoyed this large goods vehicle blog and learned something new. If you liked what you read, please consider reading more of our HGV Training blogs like what is The Best HGV Training Cost to Help You Start Your Career. We have a lot more content on the way!

      If you have enjoyed what you have read, please follow us on social media! We’d love to connect with you and share more of our work.

      You can find us on Twitter (@HGV_Network), Facebook (@HGVTrainingNetwork), and LinkedIn (

      Start Your Driving Career Today With HGV Training Network

      At HGV Training Network,  we can help you start your driving career today.

      Get a FREE quote for training and find out more about our services. Our experts are ready to help you find the right course for you.

      We’re available by phone on 0800 254 5007 or 0203 869 9001, or you can email us at

      HGV Training Network – The UK’s Leading HGV Training Provider

      HGV Training Network provides high-quality HGV training in the UK. We offer training for all levels of drivers, from new applicants to experienced professionals. Our staff are experienced and knowledgeable, and we’re proud to offer competitive prices, including flexible payment schemes.

      Looking For Answers About HGV? Check Out Our FAQs for All the Information You Need

      How do I become an HGV driver?

      There are a few ways to become an HGV driver. You can either go to a driving school, apply to a trucking company as an intern and work your way up, or get hired by a trucking company as a driver and then go through their in-house training programme.

      No matter how you go about it, you’ll need to pass both a written test and a practical driving test in order to become certified to drive an HGV. The written test will cover topics like vehicle safety, traffic laws, and hours of service regulations. The driving test will be more specific to trucks than the standard UK driving test and will assess your ability to operate an HGV on the road safely.

      How much does it cost to become an HGV driver in the UK?

      There is no definitive answer to this question as it can vary depending on several factors, such as the type of training provider you choose and the level of certification you aim to achieve.  To get a free quote, don’t hesitate to talk to one of our staff. We can provide you with the best advice on which type of training suits your individual needs and the cost associated with it.

      How long does it take to train as an HGV driver?

      The first step is to attend and complete an authorised training course. The duration will depend on the type of HGV licence you’re aiming to get.

      Upon successful completion of the course, you will be issued a certificate of competence. You must then pass a medical examination and a driving test in order to be awarded your full HGV licence. This process can take up to 8 weeks.

      So in total, it usually takes around 6-8 weeks to become a fully qualified HGV driver.

      Is it worth becoming an HGV driver in 2023?

      Yes, it is well worth becoming an HGV driver in 2023. There is currently a shortage of HGV drivers in the UK, and this is only set to worsen in the coming years. So there are plenty of job opportunities for HGV drivers, and the pay and benefits are good.

      In addition, the job is interesting and challenging, and it allows you to travel around the country. So if you’re looking for a good career that offers plenty of opportunities and rewards, becoming an HGV driver is a great choice.

      Is driving an HGV difficult?

      Driving an HGV is relatively easy, but it takes a lot of practice to become a safe driver.

      The most important thing for anyone learning to drive an HGV is practising in a safe and controlled environment. Make sure you are comfortable with the truck before you hit the open road. Remember that large vehicles take longer to stop, so always give yourself plenty of space when driving around other cars. Stay alert at all times and be aware of your surroundings. Safe driving is critical when operating a large vehicle.

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      blog, HGV News

      Trucking has always been a significant part of the British economy. The number of HGV drivers in the UK is shrinking, and that’s not good news for the industry. You don’t have to work for a big trucking company to be an HGV driver — but you do need training and skills if you want to drive around on your own without getting into trouble with traffic laws or damaging other people’s property through accidents caused by inexperience.

      Trucking has always been a significant part of the British economy.

      In recent years, trucking has become a significant part of the British economy. The UK is home to thousands of companies that rely on trucks for shipping products and materials around the country—and even around the world. Modern transportation methods have made this possible; without them, it would be difficult if not impossible to deliver goods so efficiently in such large quantities. As long as there are people who need things shipped from one place to another, truck drivers will continue to play an important role in our society’s well-being.

      Age limit for HGV drivers - HGV Training Network

      You don’t have to work for a big trucking company to be an HGV driver.

      You don’t need to work for a big trucking company to be an HGV driver. You can also be self-employed, working for a small company, running your own business or even employed by a charity. It’s up to you!

      For commercial truck drivers, you need up-to-date training and skills.

      For commercial truck drivers, you need up-to-date training and skills. If you want to drive an HGV, you must obtain a specific qualification to be able to do so.

      Training can be done online or in a classroom; it can be done at your company or on your own; the cost of this course is not expensive compared with other available courses.

      Driving a large goods vehicle (LGV) requires specialist training and skill development.

      You will need to pass a test to get your licence. You will also need the right skills for driving safely and efficiently. This means you need to know how to load and unload the vehicle safely, as well as how to drive safely in different weather conditions. Having this kind of licence can also benefit your personal life allowing you to drive a trailer and a horsebox without additional training.

      Age limit for HGV drivers - HGV Training Network

      Practical driving experience is essential for HGV drivers.

      Practical driving experience is essential for HGV drivers. You will have the opportunity to get to know the vehicle and its capabilities, including how much weight it can carry and how much fuel it uses at different speeds. This is invaluable information if you’re planning on driving an HGV professionally – where every penny counts.

      You will also learn how to drive in difficult conditions such as low visibility or poor weather. These situations can occur unexpectedly whilst out on public roads, so it’s important that you can remain safe whilst driving in these conditions too!

      Learn the rules of safety and how to change tyres on large vehicles.

      To ensure that you can carry out roadside checks and maintain a safe driving environment, it is essential that you are trained in all aspects of HGV training. This includes learning how to change tires on large vehicles, as well as how to use jack stands and torque wrenches. You will also be taught about checking for leaks in tires, using tire inflation gauges, checking for damage (including punctures) and more.

      Learn how to properly operate HGV mirrors and how to use them effectively.

      It’s important to know how to use mirrors properly. Not only will it be easier for you to see what is going on around your vehicle, but it will also make driving safer.

      The first thing that you need to do when adjusting your HGV mirrors is to make sure they are correctly positioned. There are three types of HGV mirrors: side, front and rear view. To begin with, adjust the side-view mirror so that it is level with the top of your windscreen. Then adjust each mirror so that they line up perfectly with one another; this way you can see as much as possible in all directions at once! Make sure everything is set before continuing to adjust them for various conditions such as rain or snowfall by changing their position slightly higher than usual (in case water gets onto them).

      Age limit for HGV drivers - HGV Training Network

      Drivers must know how to read maps and navigate safely and effectively when out on deliveries or long journeys.

      Learning to read maps and navigate safely and effectively is a crucial skill for any driver. You need to know how to use a map, explore your route and make sure you’re heading in the right direction. This includes using a compass and another tool, like landmarks or sun position, to keep track of where you are on the road.

      In terms of real-world experience, drivers must understand how they can use their map reading skills when travelling long distances or during deliveries.

      Learn what sort of payloads and weight restrictions your vehicle has, so you don’t overload it by mistake.

      For HGV drivers, it’s important to know what sort of payloads and weight restrictions your vehicle has, so you don’t overload it by mistake.

      If you are delivering a load that exceeds the weight restrictions of your vehicle, then this is known as overloading. Overloading can result in serious damage to your vehicle and even cause an accident if other vehicles or pedestrians come into contact with it. If you’re caught overloading by police officers on the road or even by weighing station operators upon entering their premises where they weigh all HGVs which pass through (this is something that does happen), then you may be fined or even lose your licence for driving an overloaded vehicle!

      To avoid these situations and ensure that everything runs smoothly when loading up freight onto HGV trailers, ask your employer for a copy of their load sheet at least 24 hours before starting work – this will tell them exactly what weights they should bear in mind when loading up their trailer.

      You can apply for HGV training as soon as you turn 18 years old.

      You can apply for HGV training as soon as you turn 18 years old. You will need to pass a theory test before you can apply for the practical test, which is taken at an approved centre.

      There is no upper age limit for getting an HGV licence, but there are medical tests required to ensure the applicant is healthy enough to drive large goods vehicles safely.

      There is no upper age limit for getting an HGV licence, but there are medical tests required to ensure the applicant is healthy enough to drive large goods vehicles safely.

      The DVSA also wants to make sure that drivers have full use of their senses, particularly sight and hearing. If a driver experiences any difficulties with either of these senses they will be required to pass a practical test before they can apply for their HGV licence.

      Going through a reputable training program costs more than self-training, but it’s easier and less stressful if you’re doing it right — it’s also much more likely that you’ll pass your exam on the first try if you do this.

      • Going through a reputable training program costs more than self-training, but it’s easier and less stressful if you’re doing it right — it’s also much more likely that you’ll pass your exam on the first try if you do this.
      • HGV training is not free — and that’s a good thing! You only have to purchase one expensive trucking book (depending on your chosen course provider) but will benefit from having access to quality resources throughout the rest of your career as an HGV driver. Learning about how heavy goods vehicles operate is worth the investment!
      • By investing in HGV driving training, you will feel more confident when trying out for jobs and ultimately find employment faster than other drivers who are working without any formal preparation. This could mean earning more money sooner (and saving money on gas because trucks use less fuel over time) or being promoted earlier in your career path at work!

      From the above, it’s clear that HGV driving is a complex profession and one that requires extensive training. The good news is that you don’t have to work for a big trucking company to be an HGV driver—there are many opportunities available for those who want to start their own business. But whether you become an owner-operator or work for someone else, being trained in safety and navigation will help ensure your success as a driver in this competitive industry.

      We at HGV Training Network offer the best HGV training courses that are designed to help our students achieve their goals. We have a team of highly experienced and certified instructors who are dedicated to helping our students succeed. Our courses are affordable, and we offer a variety of payment options to suit your needs. Contact us today to find out more about our HGV training courses.

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